This article, Birthday Planned for Disaster, was added by Achrones150 who determines its usage on this wiki. |
This article, Birthday Planned for Disaster, was added by Bombadcrow666 who determines its usage on this wiki. |
This article, Birthday Planned for Disaster, was added by Wahpah who determines its usage on this wiki. |
Invitations; Fun To Be Had[]
Everyone knows three things. Death and Taxes remain... but so does crappy birth-day parties.
Tristeza Desgaste, Bailarin Mareado, and their daughter; Adalina Mareado walked steadily upon the sandy dunes. Adalina was having her first trip here; and it was... odd and unpleasant to her. Her hand in her mother-figure; Bailarin, her energy was already waning. Luckily they hadn't met any other Hollows or Arrancars yet... it would be bothersome if they did.
Tristeza sighed as she continued to walk on. Why had Bailarin decided to be so nice all of a sudden; especcially to the man that caused so much inner conflict?
Bailarin couldn't wait to meet the family; Tereya... Nori... their daughter; it would be fun!
Yeah riiight.
Inside, any parent would've stood dumbfounded at the scene. There was the banners overhead, as well as several other decorations to celebrate what was to be Mitsune Haruo's birthday. However, there was a table centered in the living room, with Tereya Haruo and the said daughter, as well as the husband, seated at it. Between them were several drinks, almost filling up the whole table itself.
Tereya was drinking again.
But so was Mitsune.
Once again, the wife had put a bad influence on the girl... with a drinking contest.
Nori was already passed out in the chair; it was predictable that he'd be the first one to lose, even with a little girl at the table. In contrast to the other two, he was only able to drink ten bottles before passing out. His head rested against the back of the chair, and the rest of his body laid limp in it's body. If anybody tried to wake him, they'd have a hell of a hard time doing so. A light snore escaped his throat...
"Bitch... You're going down."
If someone hadn't been watching her say it, they would've considered it impossible for those words to come out of the mouth of the adorable little girl sitting at the table. She had to sit on a few textbooks in order to be at equal height with her opponent... But the number of bears surrounding her person outnumbered that of her opponent by one. It seemed she was a faster drinker, too! Almost the second after she had finished her sentence, she slammed the bottom of another bottle on the table.
Tristeza and Bailarin walked in. Bailarin was immediately disturbed; and covered Adalina's eyes. With only Adalina yelling out; "Stop it mom! I can't see what their doing!" Bailarin mumbled, "You don't need too sweety..."
Tristeza smirked, "Oh; drinking party, I'm in!" Bailarin rolled her eyes... of course Tristeza would join in the immorality. Tristeza swiped a mug glass and took a quick gulp. Relaxing against the wall. "Nice place you got here..."
Adalina continued to try to look; to which Bailarin didn't stop anymore... not like she could do anything about it, plus, Tristeza had already joined in.
That's when Tereya stopped, took a shocked look over towards the newcomers... then stared blankly and shrugged. Without concern for anyone, she continued to drink her guts out, determined to keep up with her daughter. She'd ask why the bitches were here later... right now, she was going to teach Mitsune a lesson.
"Who the fuck're you?"
The guest of honor didn't have the same manners as her mother. Even as she spoke, half of her mouth was busy drinking the bottle dry. Strangely, it didn't seem like the little monster's speech was slurring, nor did she seem to be getting tipsy from the beer... There was the possibility she was cheating. Garganta was throat in spanish, wasn't it?
Adalina peered over to Mitsune. So this was the other girl that her Mom had talked about. Smiling sheepishly; she was shy at first... how she would break out of her 'box' admist heathens... was of no clue to her parent.
Tristeza smiled, "Got a mouth on this one, hehehe."
"Oi, why don't you shut the fuck up and keep on drinking, if you're gonna jump in...!" Tereya declared, her voice slightly slurry.
"Nnnnnn..." A groan escaped Nori's mouth. Everyone was too loud. It was interferring with his sleep. Mitsune responded to Tereya by throwing a now-empty bottle at her head, watching as it shattered into a million pieces and covered the woman with liquor. After a slight paused, she picked up another bottle and prepared to do the same to the new party guest.
Tristeza grasped the bottle; instantly the bottle seemed to vanish away; Sonido having vanished it away. "Hey now..." "I don't feel like drinking until I puke..." Bailarin sighed, but walked into the kitchen. "Hey Nori." looking at him; she smiled; a less enthused smile then she had years ago; but none the less a smile.
Adalina smiled, the noise around her was giving her a headache, but it was so exciting. Adalina was hiding behind Bailarin's skirt; a timid expression on her face as she glanced to the Haruo family.
That was when Tereya purposely decided to stop, eyes finally drifting over towards the two former enemies. "All right..." She said calmly, alloweing herself to turn towards the two. "What in the hell are you doing here?" Her question and tone wasn't much different from Mitsune's, rude and filled with an irritated boredom. Her eyes also drifted towards the child hiding behind Bailarin. "And who's the kid?"
It appeared that Bailarin didn't realize Nori was asleep. Her greeting was met with a combination of a twitch and a yawn. If he could've rolled over in the chair, he would've! This was uncomfortable... he wanted the couch! Or the bed! Or both! Mitsune paused, slightly, then vomited; covering her two other opponents in the brown/orange phlegm. Then, she burped, hopped down from her table, and ran into the bathroom. Mitsune's birthday was fun!
Tristeza simply waved off the vomit; using her manipulation of air to remove the disgusting bile. Her use of the particular scent also allowed for the smell to vanish; plus moods would lighten. Adalaina flinched at the actions.
This place was a mad-house... the perfect Asylum going... horribly wrong. Or... perfect. Depending on how you looked at it.
Adalina decided to go look for Mitsune by herself. Bailarin looked to Adalina and then Tereya. "That's our daughter, Adalina." "And we're here because we got invitations to the party... supposedly." "But I'm not sure if the tag 'birth-day' was approiate' anymore..."
"OH MY GOD--" Immediately, Tereya re-coiled back in disgust. "I know you couldn't hold it in, but god damn...." She was stuck with the vomit on her, and unwilling to stand it, she decided to stand up. "I'm outta here..." As she started to walk up the stairs, she looked over her shoulder and grinned. "Fuck birthdays... this is just the life of the family..." With that, she ran upstairs to go change.
"W-what?!" The shout woke up Nori, who practically leaped out of his chair. Unfortunately, that made him land on the large amount of bottles covering it's surface, and he thrashed around on them until they were nearly all on the floor. With his snapping upwards, he glared at the two guests in place of his wife. He would've cursed them out... But... Something smelled nice...
Bailarin raised a brow. Tristeza only smirked. "Finally; the dead do rise! Who knew?"
Adalina glanced around the hall, carefully peeking. "Hello?" her voice tender and silent, she wasn't sure if she was even allowed here... her Mom or Tristeza might get mad...
It took the clueless man a few seconds to realize who the two people near him were, and why they were here. "You came!" He shouted enthusiastically. The smile on his face was warm and polite, expressing his joy at the possibility that he actually had friends. "I was worried you wouldn't come, because... Well... My wife tried to kill you, and I was a total asshole..." Instantly, his happy expression became a frown.
"Hi!" The voice came from behind the girl; even with the sweet tone, it was still obvious it was Mitsune's. But, she didn't mind! The more people at her party, the more presents!
Looking behind her; Adalina flinched; and grasped the front of her chest for a moment. "Oh, you scared me." giggling a bit. "What's your name?" the usual initiation of friendship, Adalina thought this girl was fast... or she hid.
Tristeza nodded, "Oh; me too; but don't worry, I'm fiiine." drinking some more of the beer; she smirked 'sweetly'. If it was possible... Bailarin on the other hand nodded, "I've gotten over it; I don't really care anymore, I've chosen to just continue on. It took me awhile; but eventually we found Adalina, my daughter." smiling soon afterwards at the thought of their foster-child.
"Nyeh, well, drink all the beer you want, and I'm sure she's adorable. Though... You may want to keep her away from Mitsune..." Nori pointed out, frowning. If the girl pissed her off, she'd go into a psychotic rage and kill her. Or, in the least, make her cry. He didn't want that to happen! "Are either of you wearing perfume..?"
"Mitsune's name is Mitsune." Mitsune pointed out, not at all upset by the redundancy in her sentence. In one, swift move, she appeared in front of the girl and gave her a tight hug, inhaling a lungful of her scent as she did so. After a few moments, she exhaled; nearly shuddering as she did so. "You smell... nice..."
"And my name is Adalina!" she nearly wierded out at the way Mitsune 'smelled' her, but it was fine, she didn't mind. "Thanks, and I like your dress."
Tristeza added, "Oh I planned on it..." Bailarin butted in, "Why should I keep Adalina from Mitsune...?" "Is she sick or something?" Clearly; mental status was not in the list of topic choices.
".... You walked in on her having a drinking contest with her mother, and you really have to ask?" Nori mumbled, averting his gaze from her to Tristeza. At least this one wasn't mad at him. He couldn't deal with both of them being mad at him... And he was relatively sure he couldn't beat them both in a fight. So, he couldn't throw them out... Shortly, Nori picked up another bottle of luke-warm beer, determined to make himself pass out again.
"You came here for Mitsune's birthday party, right?" Mitsune asked, releasing the girl. "D-do you wanna be friends? You have a nice dress too!"
"Oh; yeah..." Bailarin had to admit; she had questioned the obvious.
Adalina nodded, "Yep!" She had enjoyed the hug; her eyes closing in an upside-down U, she nodded, "Yeah! Best-friends too?" "And thanks, teehee."
"Just so both of you know, this isn't going to be very exciting. There's really nothing to do. We're going to eat some cake, and then probably carry on like nothing special happened. You didn't have to come." Nori sighed. It was true. The only thing keeping him from becoming depressed was the scent in the room... One of the was wearing perfume, he could tell!
"Mhm! Best-friends!... What do you wanna do?" Mitsune mumbled. It appeared she was a bit shy, when she actually got to know somebody. Or, at least, had a few minutes of conversation with someone she liked.
Bailarin nodded, "I figured as much; but it seems good to atleast relax." taking a seat on the couch; she wanted to atleast sit. Tristeza on the other hand sighed, "Yeesh, such cheep booze." taking another swig; she placed the mug on the table.
Adalina looked to Mitsune. "We can play outside, or draw... or ummm... play tag, OH! Maybe hide and seek?" she wasn't sure; maybe Mitsune had an idea. Adalina had no clue what the rules were here; she felt like breaking them if so; but had the worry that her Mom might get on to her.
"Well... Who's your new girlfriend, Bail?" Nori prodded, glancing at the woman he was asking about. If the booze were so cheap, she didn't have to drink them! Beer did taste like piss, after all. If she wanted better beer, Tristeza could get it herself.
"I dunno. Do you wanna go back into the living room..? Mitsune says she's thirsty and wants a drink." Mitsune burped loudly, then blushed and covered her mouth in embarassment. Maybe she should watch herself around this one...
"Sure!" she smiled at Mitsune; it made her giggle, but was a tad disturbed at the thought.
Tristeza butted in, "Name is Tristeza. We've met once; I blew you in chunks; you healed. Something like that..." Bailarin nodded, "Yeah; that's her."
".... I'm so sure you did." Nori growled. It was okay if she wanted to drink all of the piss and get shit-faced, but if she was suddenly going to start spewing lies about things, he was going to order her to leave.
"You may not remember; been a good... I don't know. I'm too lazy to count the tens of years gone by." Tristeza shrugged; the drink non-effectant to her. She was an able drinker...
Joining the living room with Mitsune; she peeked at the adults; making sure to stay behind Mitsune. She hadn't met Mitsune's father or mother yet... she was still curious to whether they were nice.
"It's not that I don't remember. It's that you're lying." Nori snapped. This one was worse than his wife! Why did they all always imagine fantasies, where they all imagine they beat him in battle. Not only was it impossible for that to happen, considering he was a man, in control, and tons more powerful than all of them put together, the mere thought that any of the would even try to oppose him was absurd in the least!
Mitsune stood still. She wanted to jump into the conversation, here... But, then, Adalina might think bad of her! She didn't want that to happen! In spite of herself, and her desires, she stood still, shielding Adalina. There would almost definately be conversation soon.
Tristeza smiled. "I think your just mad that you lost that fight. Well... technically both you and your wife would have lost..." "But." "The past is the past; I choose to forget about it; too stressful to worry about crap that's happened years ago." Bailarin was a bit worried as the conversation drifted on; she didn't even notice Mitsune or Adalina yet.
Adalina hid behind Mitsune. She hated yelling... especcially her parents yelling... or loud noises. It all gave her a headache... she could sense tension in the air.
"Do you want me to prove that never could have happened?" Nori's own spiritual pressure came down upon the area, and though he was still holding back, the force was enough to crack the bottle Tristeza was already holding, and shatter the rest left on the table; Mitsune had to hug Adalina again in fear that she would collapse. "D-Daddy is angry..." She mumbled. Normally, she wouldn't be so afraid, but normally Daddy was so submissive! He wasn't taking as much crap as he usually did.
Adalina murmered under her breath. She had felt it; and she was right. Adalina was tensing up just with the already harsh pressure in the area.
Tristeza nodded. "Oh; I don't want you to get embarressed twice." "Especcially with kids around." smirking, Tristeza eyed Nori up and down. "Take a few days to get sober; then come back to talk big to me." Bailarin frowned, why did this have to get so hostile so fast?! She just wanted a good day, atleast, relatively good. "Both of you knock it off, please."
"... Whatever." Nori sighed. This was bullshit. He shouldn't have even invited them; he didn't need any friends. Curling up into a ball in his chair, he closed his eyes and got ready to go back to sleep. If Nori could help it, he was going to be unconscious for the rest of his guest's stay. Mitsune tugged on the hem of Bailarin's shirt. She was scared! Someone needed to be a Mommy, and the other one was a bitch!
Bailarin knelt down to Mitsune and Adalina; she was definately the maternal figure. "Mitsune... could you take Adalina to your room, and go play for a little while? I'll be there in a minute; okay?" Adalina gave a nod, and then Bailarin added once more, "Oh and Adalina, you know those Suckers I gave you?" "Would you like to share one with Mitsune?"
Adalina gave a happy accepting shake of the head to answer yes. "Yep! Mitsune's my best friend." she began rummuging through her pockets; pulling out one of the suckers, and handing it to Mitsune; it's flavor was a green apple. Bailarin was in shock in her mind; Best friends already?
"Oooooo, Loli!" Mitsune chirped. Her smile didn't show her teeth, and she sucked on the sucker playfully. This Mommy was better than hers! "Uhm... Sure!" In a bright flash of red, both Mitsune and Adalina disappeared from the living room; the only thing signifying they were actually there was the wrappers for the candy they had left on the floor, and the slight smell of smoke in the air.
Smiling; Bailarin watched the two leave. Bailarin atleast wanted to talk to Tereya. Maybe another 'sane' woman would be good for once...
Adalina smiled; taking hold of Mitsune's hand so she could be lead to her bed-room. She herself was sucking on the lolipop; a keen giggle murmered by the sucker in her mouth at the moment.
"All right, I'm here...."
This time, the casual voice of Tereya spoke up, her cleaned figure appearing at the edge of the stairs. She gave Bailarin a casual peace sign; all hostility that was directed towards her in the first place was courtesy of "the bitch". She, however, was fine with the two women being here. Her husband could bitch all he wanted to... she didn't feel like kicking them out.
"Kick them out, now." Nori ordered, glaring at Tristeza. They were taking advantage of his hospitality, and Mitsune's birthday; they both had to go now, he didn't care if Bailarin had history with him. Tereya would listen to him, wouldn't she? They only needed eachother. Everyone else didn't matter. "I want them out of my house. Make them leave, Tereya."
Bailarin looked at Tereya and gave a slight-wave. Glad to see she was in a better mood. Tristeza only sighed at the additional presence. She was having fun picking on Nori... but now it'd have to wait.
Adalina glanced to Mitsune; her backpack still on her back; she pulled it off her shoulder and placed it on the ground; unzipping it to reveal several sheets of paper; several artists tools were shown as well; paints and pens, etc...
"You know what?"
Scoffing, Tereya walked over towards where Nori was sitting, stood to the right of his seat, bent over... and hurled it over, overthrowing her husband and pinning him in a comical manner on the ground. "All you do is lay on your ass and sleep. So how about you just keeping doing that and shut the fuck up? I'd like to get acquainted with the girls..." To emphasize, she moved over towards Bailarin and wrapped an arm around both of their shoulders in a friendly manner, smiling toothily all the while.
Strangely, Nori looked like he was about to cry. So, his wife liked the two lesbians more than she liked him!? That was fine! He'd just go somewhere no one could find him, and brood for a while. And then when she thought he was doing something, she'd run after him and give him a hug again! That was how it worked, right? Preparing to use Kogeru, his lack of concentration made him has to wait a little bit before he used it. They would be able to tell he was going to leave... But then, why would they cre?
Bailarin and Tristeza both smiled; although Bailarin hid less teeth; while Tristeza smiled wickedly.
The fact that Nori was about to cry caused Tereya to give him an exasperated look. "Jeez, Princess..." She complained. "If yer gonna turn on the water works, how about you get the fuck over here and join us? Live a little."
Adalina went over to Mitsune; "Hey, you want to see my drawings?"
Mitsune smiled warmly at her new friend. "Mitsune says yeah!"
Nori paused, then stood, and walked slowly over to his wife and former friend. He stood on Bailarin's side; Tereya was in the middle, so he couldn't stay next to her. Despite the group hug going on, Nori kept his hands to himself. He didn't need to hug anyone... No one deserved it.
Half Way There...[]
Adalina smiled and gave a strong nod. "Okay!" opening her sketch book revealed several brillant drawings; for someone so young; she drew like a master. Each page was titled, dated, numbered, and described at the lower right corner. Flipping through the pages were people; places; some she had been to, some she had seen. One page was even close to Mitsune... she was only wearing a different dress.
Bailarin smirked as this occured. She was sure Nori was pissed; but then again; she was never sure.
"Uuuu! This is nice!" Mitsune called out, leaning over and staring at the picture of a girl that looked exactly like her. "This is a nice dress! Mitsune wants this dress!" Spontaneously, she hugged her friend. Mitsune could admit she wasn't exactly sure how to act around Adalina... She didn't want to scare her off! But then, she didn't want to pretend to be an adorable little girl for much longer either. Adalina still smelled good... Mitsune took in another deep inhale...
Adalina giggled as she saw her reaction and the way she smelled her was cute. Adalina smiled, hugging back. "Your a good best-friend." flipping through more pages, "Oh! I want to show you this!" she turned near the last page on the book; several hundred blank spots; but the last page was filled for some reason. It was a location; seeming to be a floating castle; strange trees curled around it, ivy and throny vines; towers on the sides. Over the top was a moon; and below it seemed to be a desert. "I want to live here." smiling; Adalina had drawn her own dream-home.
Adalina had also skipped over two people fighting on a different page. And a strange looking horned girl on another previous page.
Mitsune's head tilted to the side curiously as she stared at the page. It was a weird castle... How was it floating like that, and why were there trees? The place it was in looked like Hueco Mundo, but then, there was no plant life here... "It looks like a nice place... But, how are you going to find it? I don't want you to be sad, but I don't want you to be disappointed, either..." Mitsune mumbled dejectedly. She was being mean to Adalina.
Adalina shrugged. "I'll find it someday... maybe I'll even make it myself." Adalina admitted; she was just dreaming... but she was having faith she could make things come true; her parents said anything was possible. So she would make it so!
"Well... There has to be something else you want! If this doesn't happen, you could make up something else and be happy, uuuu!" Mitsune cried. She wouldn't need to be sad! Mitsune wouldn't let her be sad. She was Mitsune's friend, and Mitsune would look after her and take care of her better than she did anybody else. "Right..?"
Adalina was confused by the tears... but she didn't care. Hugging her despite the answer, she nodded, "Right." giving a faithful answer. Adalina was glad she had Mitsune as her best-friend.
This caused Tereya to smiled a little, glad that the little pirahna was having a best friend to hang around. She didn't know why Nori was so-- oh, wait, that's right. He didn't like Bailarin and/or Tristeza. In Tristeza's case, however, she could understand - the woman acted almost like her! Only a bit more maniacal... maybe Sasha would've been a good comparison...
Nori stood there silently, still refusing to join the in the hand-holding thing they had going on. Maybe they could all be lesbians together!... And he could watch. That would be nice...! But, then, he wouldn't be faithful, and he was faithful! Almost reassuring himself, his thumb prodded the ring on his finger. It was still there! He was still married!
Tristeza smirked; soon taking a seat near the table; moving away some beer to place her arm on it. Bailarin did as well; taking a seat smuggly on Tristeza lap; and on the side of the chair. "Oops, sorry." Tristeza only gave that wicked pleasure look; while she glanced back to them. Tristeza was sure it'd disturb one of them.
And sure enough.
"A---Aw, what the hell....!" Tereya decided to do a facepalm, clearly aggravated and embarrassed. For crying out loud, there were children here! Why would they--?! "Cut it out, that shit's nasty!!!"
This made Nori, currently the only male in the house, blush and stare at them. The heat rose to his face and he wasn't able to do anything about it. In fear that the lump that was growing in his pants would give him away, Nori quickly sat down at chair near them, not taking his eyes off for a second. Even if he hadn't been in the mood lately... This was too much for him! Nori didn't consider what his wife would think of him looking at other women...
"Quit starin'!!!"
Immediately, Tereya delivered a vicious slap to the face, sending him careening into the wall with a crash. She couldn't believe it! Blatantly ogling two women - particularly of lesbian hobby - in front of the one he married! If he stared any further, his eyes would be practically glued to their-- well, thankfully she stopped her thoughts there remembering the children.
Nori layed sprawled out on the ground for a few moments before he was able to prop himself up; one hand held the cheek she had struck tenderly. Nori still hadn't learned his lesson. While his stare was initially focused on Tereya, it quickly shifted back over to Bailarin and Tristeza to see if they were still teasing eachother. They were so hot... It was making his face red again (or, rather, the rest of his face).
Tristeza frowns, wrapping her arms around Bailarin giving a nibble to her neck; making Bailarin give a loud eep and leap out of the lap she was in. "EEP!" moving out; she hadn't planned for that to occur; especcially not infront of strangers. She gave the usual 'dissappointed' look to Tristeza. "Don't do that; not here with children and friends!"
Tristeza only stuck out her tongue at Bailarin; and chuckled at Tereya's actions. "Fine fine... but if you get close enough I'll do it again." "They'll just have to leave the room."
Adalina stood there with Mitsune; she had covered her eyes and ears the whole time upon Tereya having yelled the first time...
"Bullshit." Tereya replied snappishly, folding her arms across her chest. "Do anything on my chair, and I'll gut the two of ya!"
"... You can keep going; I'll hold Tereya back." Nori prodded, not bothering to hide the perverse nature of his words with an excuse. He stood slowly, waningly glancing at his wife for a few seconds to make sure she wasn't going to do anything. Well, then there was the chance that Tereya, Tristeza, and Bailarin would all kill him... But then, he could just use Kogeru and run away!
Tristeza nodded, "Got cha' got cha'." admitted to Tereya; she didn't want Bailarin and Adalina to be kicked out just yet before they got to enjoy themselves at the party here with Mitsune and the rest.
Bailarin nodded also, "You won't have anymore trouble or outbursts." she bowed lightly to Tereya; she wanted to be respectful considering she was a guest in someone else's home. Bailarin nearly giggled at Nori...
"Yeah, yeah..." Tereya couldn't help but roll her eyes a little.
Tristeza snickered. "Finally good to be near someone else... I get so sick of those stuck up humans, ugh." "Gives me a migraine just thinking about those stinking sacks of wasted flesh." Bailarin rolled her own eyes, "Their not that bad; whenever we need a baby-sitter; there seems to be plenty, for Adalina if needed." Tristeza butted in, "Yeah; but that just helps prove they also have no ambition either!"
"... You used to be a human." Nori pointed out, almost looking smug as he did so. It was true! Every hollow started out as a human, before they became a Menos, then eventually an Arrancar. Nori was right! He deserved a reward! "In fact, you're actually made up of a bunch of different corrupt human spirits sharing one body.
"Yeah... yeah, yeah... don't get so technical." "We all used to be something; then we change." "And hey; I'm nothing like a human, I am freaking perfect." nodding to Nori with a smirk and stuck out tongue.
Bailarin couldn't help but smile. Soon; Adalina peaked around the corner; walking directly to her mother, Bailarin and staring to Tereya, "Your preety."
Tereya was a bit unsure of how to respond to such a comment, rather than scratch the back of her head. She never saw herself as pretty, considering her rather gritty nature. She didn't do a blush like those school-girl bitches do, but she wasn't feeling completely calm either. Bet she wouldn't look so pretty with a cigarette in her mouth...
"... I think I'll go for a walk." Nori mused. He stood, waiting for everyone's acknowledgement before he left. Tereya probably wouldn't care; he doubted Tristeza or Bailarin would. And, since that whole episode from before was over, they didn't really have to worry about him. This was all he was good for anyway, right? Sitting on his ass and doing nothing, or leaving the house and doing nothing!
Bailarin nodded, "Alright, see you later?" Tristeza gave a nod to show she was listening. "Ciao."
Adalina was standing right infront of Tereya, "Your welcome!" Even if Tereya did so; she didn't care. Just because you smoke or drank; it didn't change your physical attraction; plus, Tereya reminded her of her own mother and Tristeza. And even more so; she was glad that Tereya had Mitsune; now she had a best-friend!
This caused Tereya to smile a little, reaching up to gently ruffle up the girl's hair. "You're not too bad yourself, kid..." It reminded her of her own child life.... at least, until she was royally fucked over by those Shinigami. A bit of her hoped that this child wouldn't have to go through such corruption as she had. It would suck to have another insane mind walking around this household... they had far too many already.
Adalina smiled as her hair was ruffled. She love attention; plus Tereya was really nice to her! "Thanks, your daughter, Mitsune is my best-friend! She's funny and cute." giggling; she decided to walk over to her mother; who placed her on her knee; fixing her dress which was off center and the back-bow was growing untied. Bailarin smiled, "Oh really, it's good to hear you both are having a good time." Adalina rolled her eyes as her mother began to fix her clothes; she hated it when her Mom did it in public!
That was when Tereya lifted a finger to point casually at Adalina for a brief moment. "Shinigami?" She guessed, safely assuming the girl was adopted. If not.... then there was some serious problems... and she would be staying far away from one of the parents...
Nodding; Adalina was awed that Tereya could tell so easily; how'd she know?! Of course a child's wonder was blind to the obvious; or questioned the obvious. "How'd you know?" Bailarin nodded, "Yep; she sure is." giving her daughter a hug; she tickled her for a moment in a maternal hold, causing Adalina to giggle and squirm momentarily. After that; she was trying to pay attention to Tereya; but took every 8 seconds to look back to Bailarin incase of another tickle fit.
Tereya allowed herself to grin for a brief moment. "I've been around both Shinigami and Hollow to know the difference." She explained simply. "When you meet a Shinigami enough, you'll get to know, too."
"Oh okay." Whispering to her mother for a moment, Bailarin giggled, answering for her. "Adalina says your also smart." snickering, she let go of her daughter, letting Adalina giggle a bit as she went to play with Mitsune some more.
"I try..." Although she felt a bit miffed that Bailarin was scoffing at the compliment, Tereya decided to ignore such a thing, but merely watched Adalina run off. "But... how'd you get your hands on a Shinigami kid? Pick her up off the streets?" She asked dryly, thinking back to when her brother had first met her - weakened, crippled, and trash that was waiting to be thrown away. But, of course, Adalina seemed far too sweet to have been living like that.
"Well... me and Tri were moving around, and one day we went out for a walk in the Human World. To my surprise... there lay a child, only 3 or 4 years old... crying." sighing contently, Bailarin had a dreamy and sad look. "I took her and raised her as my own daughter. She's been with us ever since... she means the world to me." Tristeza looked over to the two talking; only listening and remembering that day.
"Three or four...? That's an awfully early age to die." Tereya commented, a slight frown on her face. One of her hands reached up to scratch the back of her head. "Did you ever know what happened to her?"
"No... I don't know about why she was there or the parents left her for... Maybe it's because of her head-aches... as a baby she always cried alot. And even now she hates loud noises. We just recently found out she's Dyxlexic." frowning, "I don't love her any less for that though, she's still my precious butterfly."
Unfortunately, the woman she was speaking to had blanked out at the D-word. "Dys..wha...?" Was her rather intelligent response, her eyes blinking at Bailarin blankly.
Bailarin gave an explaination. "Dyxlexia... it's when a person has trouble reading... words appear backwords, images sometimes blur together. It's rather annoying for her; especcially since she loves to draw."
"Oh. Basically, bad eyesight?"
"In a way, yeah." Tristeza frowned, letting her outer thoughts mumble. "She'll never be a fighter with that problem of hers..." Tristeza was glad to have shared this child, but the sad fact was; she had no faith the girl had any fighting spirit. Plus she was too shy, soft, nice, sweet... not to mention the head-aches, Dyxlexia, and louder noises made her have migraines. It was a bother to have hopes be brought down just because of a child's issues; not that she didn't love her...
Bailarin frowned, glaring at Tristeza for a minute. "So what if she's not a fighter? She doesn't have to be, I don't want her to be. We've both been through alot... I don't want the same ordeal being the case for Adalina, I just want her to enjoy her life, and not worry about all that." Tristeza looked at her wife with some disdain; as if Bailarin should have kept her mouth shut.
"The nice civilian girl, huh...?" Tereya commented, putting on a seemingly cocky, but actually friendly smirk. "Isn't those types usually the first ones to get killed off?" By the sound of her tone, it sounded as if she was referring to a video game or book, where a character, because of certain traits, were disposed of by the author in-story.
Tristeza, "I agree with her."
Bailarin frowned, "It shouldn't matter if we live in the Human World, away from Shinigami, Hollows and Arrancars." pointing out, "She won't die off; I'll be there if she needs help or someone trys to hurt her." Tristeza butted in, "But one day she has to grow up... and she has to know how to defend herself."
A sigh crossed Tereya's lips, and she refrained herself from looking like she was assisting Tristeza. "Listen, I'm not going to tell you how to police your kid..." She said, eyes narrowing slightly for a moment. "That's up to you two. I, obviously, have my own little girl to look after - though I'd like to wring her neck most of the time..." Her eyes drifted towards the spot where Adalina had left. "Hope the little pirahna won't be too much of a bad influence..."
Bailarin nodded, and raised her brow. Tristeza sighing at how easily the debate fell. She knew that Adalina was a momma's girl, and trying to train her by herself would be a pain in the arse. Maybe she could trick her love somehow... as double-handed as it sounded.
Adalina ran back to the room, smiling, thinking of how nice Tereya was. Peeking around the corner to the room; she was unsure of whether or not Mitsune was still there. Slowly gazing... Hide and Seek?
Mitsune hid in what was most likely the first place anyone would look: Under the bed! It couldn't be helped. She was a little girl. Mitsune tried to supress her giggles as Adalina entered the room, and brought both hands to her face to cover her mouth as the latter's feet became visible from under the bed. Mitsune had finished her lolipop already... She hoped Adalina had another one to give her, when she found her.
Adalina looked around; finally, she knew where she was! Trying to hold her breath, as one usually did, she peeked under the bed, picking the sheets over to see her. "I found you!" her voice giggling, she was smiling happily. Adalina was having a great time with Mitsune.
"N-no! Mitsune says you cheated, uuuu!" Mitsune shouted, flinching as soon as the sheets were lifted and climbing out after Adalina's declaration. Her hiding spot was perfect!... Maybe she should've hid in the closet. Adalina would've never looked there! Still, she was smiling warmly and giggling uncontrollably. Would Adalina hide now?
Adalina yelled out, "Nuh-uh, now it's my turn!" smiling, she looked to Mitsune and then the hall. "But you have to count to 20, and no peeking, or asking for help!" pointing out, she waited for Mitsune to begin counting and to cover her eyes.
"Fine!" Mitsune covered her eyes, as instructed, and began counting. "One!... Two!... Three!.... Uhm... F-four!" Mitsune didn't know if she'd be able to count all the way to twenty! Daddy didn't really seemed to be concerned about teaching Mitsune about things at the moment, and Mommy hated her! So, Mitsune didn't know her numbers.
Adalina ran to one of the other rooms; finding a place to hide; she hid in the corner of the room; grabbing a cover and hiding herself with it. Slowly, her breathing became lower, and she waited for Mitsune to come. This was a good hiding spot, right...?
Mitsune listened to Adalina's footsteps as she ran away from her. So she was going into a room other than Mitsune's..? It was okay! Mitsune would still find her! "... Fifteen..!" Was it alright if she sensed Adalina's reiryoku to find her? It wasn't like she was hiding it! But then, she might get sad if she found her by cheating... "Eighteen!" At this point, Mitsune let her hands fall from her face. "Twenty! Ready or not, here I come!" Mitsune immediately entered the room where Adalina was hiding. "Mitsune's gonna find you~...!"
Hiding, she attempted to hide her breathing too much; holding her breath in. Then... as the foot-steps got closer, it burst out; for her to suck more in. To anyone else... this was too obvious, to a little girl, it was fine. She was wondering where Mitsune went as she heard the steps in the room...
Mitsune knew where she must be hiding! Under the bed! Slowly, she crept over there, careful not to give away her position with clumsy footsteps. "Found you!" Mitsune shouted, as she dropped to her knees and drew the covers up!... But Adalina wasn't there. Mitsune began pouting. This wasn't fair. "I-I'm gonna find you!"
Gulping; she looked around within the cover; still unable to see but trying none-the-less. Soon Adalina would find her; she was so close! Adalina bit her lip; trying not to breath... it wasn't working so well.
Using Kogeru, Mitsune teleported inside the closet. Upon noticing Adalina wasn't inside the closet, she knocked the doors off it's hinges. "MITSUNE'S GONNA FIND YOU."
Adalina could notice something strange... it was spiritual energy... she didn't know it yet. And it would take time; but the Kogeru had triggered a sense mechanism within' her. Hearing the door fall made her whole body flinch, and her emotion turn to worry. Mitsune had done that? Then it happened... the same thing everytime a loud noise occured and her stress spiked. She tried her best to block it out, and curled further into a fetus position; her eyes coming close to glazing over... but something was different...
Adalina was fighting it off... this was her friend, she wouldn't hurt her.
Finally, Mitsune noticed. The sheets in the corner moved! That's where she was! Even though there was only a small space between them, Mitsune broke into a sprint, then tackled the lump under the sheets, embracing it in an almost-harmful hug. "Mitsune..! Found...! You...! Uuuuuuuu...!" She gasped. Hugs were nice! Mitsune got a hug for winning!
Adalina embraced the hug. She was right! Slowly... the pain from her head went away. Mitsune was her friend... it meant more then it sounded. Enjoying the hug, she stayed there until Mitsune halted, then asked, "Your Adalina's best friend." herself speaking in third person, she sat on her knees with her hands on her lap. "Friends forever?" her eyes pleading, she didn't want to stop being friends after this, never ever.
"Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!" Mitsune wasn't pausing for breaths. She said the word almost until she passed out, and even when she did pause, it was only so she could begin again. Adalina would be Mitsune's best freind, forever! Mitsune wouldn't ever get mad at her! She smelled so good...!
Best Friends...Infinity and Beyond[]
"Yay!" hugging her, she grabbed Mitsune's hand. "Let's go tell our Moms!" Adalina was excited, this was sooo great! It made her have butterflys on the inside of her stomach. A best-friend... a permanent best-friend.
"Yeah!" Mitsune used Kogeru to bring them to the living room, so they didn't have to break the hug. Adalina could tell them! Mitsune was too busy nuzzling into her shoulder with her cheek. Where was her cake? And her presents? Did they bring any? Mitsune wanted to share with Adalina!
Adalina smiled as they dissappeared. Mitsune was special; she could use magic! Adalina gave a shout to her parents, which were surprised by the sudden entry. "Momma, Tristezy!" "Me and Mitsu are best-friends for ever and ever." Adalina was loving the contact, it made her feel so special!
Bailarin rose her brow, but sided with her daughter. "Glad to hear that!" "How about some snacks and a present to help celebrate Mitsune's birth-day?" Bailarin's voice clear. Tristeza looked over to the children, the furthered to Bailarin; her eyes probbing her up and down, clearly she wasn't listening as she was checking out her wife's body and every detail on it. I am so lucky.
If Tereya wasn't going to say anything, Tristeza indirectly cut her off with the ogling. A shaky grin came across her face, and she could barely stifle her laughter, going into stifled giggles. She hid her hand behind her mouth, obviously getting a kick out of the scene.
Mitsune looked up, and smiled. Her teeth were bared.
In sudden use of Kogeru, she appeared on top of Tristeza, her feet digging into her boobs for leverage so she could meet the woman eye-to-eye. "I'm sorry, giggles, is there a problem? Your daughter just said I was her best friend, but you're too busy checking out your whor--... B-Bailarin..." Mitsune didn't want to call Adalina's nice mommy a whore! She didn't mean it! She was sorry! "... Anyway, if you don't shut the fuck up and congratulate us, Mitsune's gonna gut you like a fish, uuuu~!"
Tristeza looked eerily at the occurance; man she had a mouth, little devil... not to mention those teeth and bossy attitude. "...Congrats..." her voice dull, she faked the enthusiasm. "Now get off my boobs and go open your present." Tristeza affirmed. Bailarin looked on, and her eyes widened with a huge intent. One second... her wife was checking her out... which she liked. The next second; her daughter's best-friend was telling her what to do... and she did it. Wow.
Adalina watched in amazement, Mitsune was standing up for them both! She liked her even more now... especcially when Tristezy always got her way with things. Or how whenever she stared at mommy or made kissy-face they never stopped for air...
"...." Mitsune glared at Tristeza a moment longer, before switching her facial expression back to the sweet, lovable one. "Yay! Presents!" She hugged Tristeza's neck, purposely squeezing it harder. To anyone but an arrancar, who had hierro, this would've snapped their neck! Mitsune was adorable! Hopping off, she scrambled around, looking for it, before pausing then staring up with dreamy eyes. "Where is it~?"
Opening a Garganta portal, the present appeared right infront of her. Wrapped in a glowing white wrapping paper with an orange bow. Tristeza smiled, "Have at it kid." Adalina smiled, sitting right next to Mitsune to watch her open the box, while Bailarin only watched.
Mitsune tore into the wrapping paper, throwing little shreds on either side as she finally pulled all of it off. As she finally got to the box, she opened it, smiling all the while.
In the present was three different articles. From Adalina; it was the dress in the picture that Mitsune had liked before hand. From Bailarin there was a bag of various candies just for her or her to share. Tristeza had given Mitsune a curved knife; carved from steel and infused with energy... it was something one wouldn't usually give something. But then again, Tristeza wasn't much of a giver.
For whatever reason, Mitsune started crying. This was so nice! She got three different presents; not only were the people not cheap, they were nice!... Mitsune could bet her own Mother and Father only got her one present, and that it was worse than what these three got them. Mitsune wanted to live with Adalina, and Bailarin, and Tristeza! Her parents were the best! Nori and Tereya were depressing and mean...
Tereya's motherly instincts kicked in, and she couldn't help the vein that popped in her jaw. She looked away, folding her arms across her chest. She hadn't bothered really to get anything.... well, frankly, because Mitsune was, most of the time, a bitch. The mark from the bite on her shoulder still hadn't healed up yet... daughters were supposed to be nice to their mothers! But this one was just too.... abusive? Bah, that worked only between spouses....
Watching. Bailarin smiled, "Like your presents sweet-heart?" Tristeza looked at Tereya... apprently they either forgot, or there was hidden tension. Adalina smiled, "See? It's you wanted, I'm glad you like it!" Bailarin noted... Adalina was having a great time. Leaving would be hard... honestly; to say herself. She was having fun herself; she actually had others to talk to, she was tired of humans and their snide ways.
Mitsune cried louder. So, her mother hadn't decided to get her anything?! And her Daddy decided to leave, on her birthday!? "I..." Mitsune began, sniffling loudly, then glaring at Tereya, whom she knew wasn't looking at her because she was a giant bitch. "I hate you. I hate you, and your asshole of a husband." She declared. Mitsune would kill her parents in their sleep. If they ever did sleep, with all of the fun they had...
Tristeza and Bailarin looked worried; this wasn't good...
Adalina eyed Mitsune; she was sad that Mitsune was sad... it made her hurt too.
"Well....I was about to say where they were...." Tereya muttered, turning her eyes back towards Mitsune with a half-lidded position, the vein gone from her face. "But, if you hate me.... then I guess there's no point." She folded her arms behind her head, wondering if Mitsune would re-consider her comment. Boredly, she looked around. "Where is that depressed fuck...?" Maybe he actually used this time to start cutting himself again.... though a high doubt countered it.
"I... I'm sorry..." Mitsune did reconsider her comment. Because her mother was turned around, she didn't see the girl stand up, walk towards her, and hug her legs until it actually happened. Mitsune hoped Tereya didn't mind the fact that she was wiping all of her tears and snot on Tereya's leggings... "I'm sorry... Really! Where's Mitsune's present..? Did you get one?"
"Now, why wouldn't I bother to get one for my precious little daughter...?" Tereya muttered, reaching over to gently grab the front of Mitsune's head in order to pull her head back (due to the annoyance of snot). "In fact, I bought three of 'em, since your father seemed to be a lazy-ass...." Reaching in one of her skirt pockets, she pulled out a napkin and wiped away the disgusting material from Mitsune's nose. Tears were just water, so they were fine... "They're right in your room, underneath your bed. Want me to go get 'em?"
Bailarin smiled; glad the ordeal was less of one then she originally thought, sighing, she decided to rest back in the chair again and watch Mitsune open the presents. Tristeza muttered in her mind; either this family had no disciplene or a serious lack of control... she loved it.
Adalina glanced to Tereya and then back to Mitsune. Adalina hadn't known that Mitsune cussed so much... or the fact that the fight was over as quick as it started... wierd.
Mitsune smiled softly. "Yes, Mommy..." She whispered. The never-ceasing flow of snot her nostrils made Tereya's whiping futile; Mitsune even began wiping it on her arm because she didn't want it on her mouth. Boogers were icky! She relinquished her grip on Tereya's leg so she could go upstairs and get it, and made her way over to the candy, while pulling Adalina with her. She sat down, ripped open the bag containing the candy, and began to nibbled on a few pieces herself, while waiting for Adalina to take some. Adalina! No one else!
Adalina followed Mitsune, being pulled, she didn't mind! Adalina wanted to see the presents with her! Adalina grasped three pieces of candy, in particular the caramel chocolates, she loved those! Smiling at her best-friend, she was right on her heel as they made their way into the Mitsune's bed-room.
Bailarin smiled, whispering close to Tereya. "Looks like our daughters have bonded really well... I'm glad." "Adalina doesn't make friends easy, lots of that shyness and whole; usually never seen again deal ruins it." "But with your daughter... it's not that way." Tristeza glanced over there to the two, a pondering gaze on her lips and facial features. Hmmm... I can only wonder... whatever it was. It brought a smirk to Tristeza's lips. It must have been a good thought... or wicked, either made her smile with that toothy flare.
Good thing Tereya was (disgustingly) paying attention to her snot-covered arm, slinging it off to the side. "I think she's got a sixth fucking sense..." She muttered. "To the people she meets who are rather irritating as shit, she tells 'em to piss off right before she can make eye contact with 'em. But around people like your kid, the ones who're nice and reasonable? She's got no problem with... so, in a way, I was expecting this." She lowered her arm once she was sure she got all of it off. "Glad that she's found a friend of her own age, too..."
Nodding in agreement, Bailarin watched in slight awkard silence as she cleaned herself off. "If your referring to yourself; I'll go ahead and tell you, that you aren't a prick or anything." "You seem fine to me." smirking, "But I can understand what your saying..." "Adalina has the same thing; of sorts. Whenever she's near a person... she can sometimes tell if their 'bad' or not, she seems to do so at a whim, speaking out loud." "What's even stranger... is that she actually seems to know people before meeting them... she draws constantly, and I swear I've seen people she's never met, and she's drawn them." Tristeza added sound effects to add sarcasm at her comments, in a joke. "Ooooohhh... aaahhhh, she's a psychic." rolling her eyes, Tristeza was always the smartalic.
"Not to be nosing into your child business or anything, but..." Tereya looked a bit helpless, though kept up a rather bored look as well. "In terms of actual combat, how far would she fare? All this talk about personal abilities's got me wonderin'..."
"Don't know to say the truth." "I mean... I know she's atleast contacted a Zanpakuto Spirit, but nothing else much." "She has a spiritual signature..." Tristeza frowned, "Too finish up the summary, she's weak. She's shy so she avoids conflict, she hasn't displayed Shunpo, no strength, nothing..." Bailarin added, "But... she has displayed fore-sight." "I know this sounds crazy... but her drawings are of real places, or people." "Not to go crazy, but believe me; before I met your daughter, my Adalina drew her." Bailarin nodded to Tereya, she was curious to whether or not she was wanting this information.
Bailarin added, "I don't mind you asking." "But... I must ask: Why do you want to know?"
"Just curious."
"Ahem." Mitsune coughed. "Lemme go get your presents!" she says, then talks to this bitch for half an hour. Mommy is a liar! Her cough was followed by tugs on the hem of her shirt, and an agitated look from Mitsune. How long would she keep the waiting? Or... More importantly, what did she get Mitsune?! Was it a pony? She bet it was a pony! Mommy got Mitsune a pony; she was the best!...
Unless it wasn't a pony.
Then Mommy was dogshit.
"....Oh, you're still here? I thought you would've been off and running to yer room by now...." Tereya said casually, looking downwards at the little girl.
Mitsune's bottom lip curled into an upside-down V-shape before she finally used Kogeru to bring her and Adalina into the room, right near the bed. Mommy said she was going to go get the presents, then expected them to go get it by themselves? It was stupid! But, that didn't stop Mitsune from diving under the bed and looking for it. "F-Found it!"
Adalina perked up; this teleportation was cool! Looking under the bed with her; she was going to help get the presents with her!
Umph! Mitsune pushed out two huge boxes from under her bed; one was covered in wrapping, red with a bow, and the other was a dull grey... But it had an airhole! It was a pony! Almost squealing with joy, Mitsune began opening the smaller one first. What was inside?
It was an airhorn.... with a few twists.
Tereya was starting to become accustomed to Mitsune having a tendancy to annoy people she disliked the most. Deciding to please her (just this once), she had gave this instrument to her. When someone wasn't paying attention to her, or if she just wanted to piss them off, she could just press the trigger and blow the screeching noise right into their face. But that wasn't all; on the side of it was a switch set to "Loud", the other saying "Scare". This setting would allow for a more silent, but just as fun to use as the loud setting. When the waves hit, it would send a rather disturbing/frightening/shocking image into the person's mind for a brief moment. Either one of them would get a rather fun reaction out of her victims.
Adalina watched in awe as she looked at the presents. "Oooh." her eyes seeming to glow. "Let's go try 'em out!" smiling, she couldn't wait to spend some time playing or helping Mitsune!
"No, wait! Let's open the big one first!" Mitsune chirped. She chewed on the twine shutting it until it snapped and fell limply to the carpeted floor. Pausing slightly (there was a chance her mother hated her so much that she put something deadly into the box), she opened it, and stepped back abruptly. What was in there could come out on it's own... Couldn't it?
Abruptly, a mass of fur slammed into her, forcing her into her back.
It was an Arrancar puppy, having been found by Tereya. Upon seeing its "victim", it started to lick the face a bit in greeting. Its fur was white, its ears were black, and there was a Hollow mask covering the upper face. It wagged its tail as it walked off of Mitsune, waiting for her to stand back up again.
Mitsune wouldn't be defeated! The moment the Arrancar stepped off of her, she tackled it, rolling with it in her hug until they were both side-ways on the floor. Then, she began to lick at it's face; not bothering to care that there was a large mass of fur now collected in her mouth. Almost in a "do it or I'll hit you" manner, she motioned for Adalina to come pet it. "'C'moooooooooooooon!"
Adalina did so; walking over to Mitsune and the puppy; she helped hug it, but gently. "It's a puppy!" Adalina smiled brillantly, gazing over the dog and Mitsune, she placed another lick on the dog's boney-cheek, giggling afterwards because of her own odd-action. After all, she wanted to try it if Mitsune gave it a shot atleast!
"Oh! Mitsune says we should go downstairs, and scare the red-haired crab with the blowhorn!" Finally letting go of the puppy, she stood and grabbed the air-horn; then Kogeru'd to the doorway. They could take the stairs this time; it wasn't that far! Besides, it would be funny when Tristeza wet her pants... And then the doggy humped her brains out!
"You mean Tristezy?" "Sure; let's give it a shot!" "I need to pay her back for ignoring me when I needed to talk to her about my school!" enthuasiased, Adalina was all for it. And poor 'Tristezy' was too unsuspecting.
As they made their way down the stairs, and into the view of the living room, Mitsune could see Tereya was talking with Tristeza. Awesome! She could get them both! Immediately, she set the blow horn to "scare", and blasted it at them. For some reason, she found herself hoping it wouldn't scare the too much... If it did, then this would be kind of mean. Especially when they both got her such awesome presents!
The reaction, for Tereya, was instantaneous.
Immediately, her face paled, her eyes widened, and her mouth quivered slightly. She was even shaking a little, all trace of thought having stopped at the image that had flashed in her head. "O...oh, fuck..." She whispered, staggering back and falling on the couch. "O...ok...what the hell was that...?" She held up a hand to her face, clearly distraught at what she had been subject to.
Tristeza was the same...seeing a glimpse of her fear. Bats, everywhere the flying rodents. She hates those things, and as quick as the horror started, it ended. Luckily, she hadn't screamed, only sweat from her temples flowed. Bailarin had a short glimpse of how it felt to be pregnant. The result was not good; she screamed for a moment, closing her eyes to shut it out.
It was, at this time, when Nori decided to re-enter the home. Since he was already at the table, he set the box he was carrying down on it, along with some plastic forks. "... I got cake. But, I'm not going to have any. All of you can dig in. Is it alright if I go to bed?" Each statement was made monotoneously. It was obvious he wasn't very happy about the guests eating food he had picked up, or that his wife was getting chummy with them.
Mitsune herself, smiled, pulled Adalina with her, and sat at the table. She was waiting for mommy to cut the cake. Ice-cream cake was delicious. Maybe she would feed some to Adalina, and vice-versa... The hell-spawn was giddy about it almost happening.
"Huh?" After snapping out of it immediately, Tereya quirked an eyebrow at him for a moment before stood up and she walked over towards the cake, picking up the knife beside it. "Eh, sure, go ahead." She wasn't really paying much attention; the guy's depression was starting to bug her. But, if he wanted to go to bed, then he could go to bed. They'd get to stay here and celebrate...!
Adalina went over to sit next to Mitsune, sitting close to her own chair.
Bailarin looked to Nori. "No! Take a seat over here, enjoy some cake, if you don't want, we can just talk, I want to catch up." Smiling to Nori, she wanted him to sit down, she would drag him over if she had to. Tristeza added, "Better do what she asks... she won't stop."
"... If she can make me, she's more than welcome to try and make me stay." Nori replied, raising a dull eyebrow at the two of them. Who did they think they were; did Bailarin, suddenly, think she could overpower him? Was she really that stupid?
Mitsune frowned. "Cut it already..!"
Adalina scootched closer to, the tension she hated...
Bailarin added tentatively, "Please Nori...?" "Pleeaaasee?" her voice pleading, she really wanted him to stay and chat, or atleast enjoy himself for a bit with company around. Tristeza only rolled her eyes at the scene. She sweared... she was gonna cut his throat and feed his entrails to his child... but that was just anger speaking. Tristeza was nice underneath it all...! Yeah right...
Nori's eye twitched slightly. She was making him feel like a douche for not wanting to accept... And, he still found her cute, even though she was married! With Bailarin pleading like this, how could he say no? "... Fine." Plopping down onto the nearest chair, he sat there with an utterly defeated look on his face. Mitsune giggled slightly. Daddy just got played.
Bailarin smiled, sitting across from him, while Tristeza took a seat beside her, but it was evident that Tristeza was sitting on both chairs, as they were both seated together so she could get a better 'view'.
Adalina giggled as she sliced a bit of her ice-cream cake; poking it on the end of the fork she decided to question. "Hey Mitsu?" "Say aww." she smiled, placing the piece of cake near her best-friends mouth. She saw her Mommies do it all the time! Plus, Mitsu was her best friend forever!
"Awww!" Mitsune shouted enthusiastically, nearly devouring the fork whole. As it was pulled out a long string of saliva connected it to her mouth. Mitsune took a (much bigger) chunk from her cake, and held it up to Adalina's mouth, expecting her to eat it whole. "Say awwwww!" She commanded. If Adalina was her friend, she would do it!
"... So..." Nori began, nibbling at his own piece of cake. As much as he hated to admit it, it was good! "... What do you want to talk about? I don't think I'm a very good conversationalist, so you'll probably be carrying the entire conversation..."
Adalina looked at the cake bight; it was a huge! But Mitsune wanted her to; so she would, opening wide, she was trying not to giggle before doing so, and she had a glass of water perpared. Bailarin looked to Nori, "Well... feel free to choice. How did you and Tereya meet? What have you both been up to? You know... the usual." Tristeza smirked at Bailarin, snuggling up to her in a loving fashion; her head in Bailarin's neck. "Or we could always just make out infront of others again." Bailarin squinted at Tri in a mix of rage and embarrassment. "Not now."
"I met Tereya in the Yuurei; she was married, we fought, and then I left without saying anything. After I won. Anyway! Then, later, I met her again after she saved me from some guy, and asked her out. She was married." Nori took this time to pause, and let that sink in. "So, after we liberated ourselves, I went on the date with her, and we told eachother we loved eachother. Finally, a bunch of stuff that doesn't matter happened." Nori was purposely skipping over the fact that he was Sasha's slave, and that Sasha attacked both Tristeza and Bailarin, as well as Envy. "And here we are, married. Honestly, she was the first girl I've ever dated, and sometimes I regret not fooling around a bit more. But, it's too late now, isn't it..?"
"You forgot to mention you were my inner Hollow's bitch for nine months." Tereya added, smirking as she propped her head up with a hand, her elbow on the table. Despite being trapped in her own body, she still found it rather amusing to watch Sasha work on her husband. Even now, the effects of her influence was still evident. "And the little fight she had with you two..." She motioned towards the two married women. "As well as that Envy chick."
Adalina was ready to take the bite of the cake from Mitsune now.
Tristeza smirked, "Oh, I like her, she had style." Bailarin frowned and remembered that night. "Oh I remember, that's the night that Tristeza was glad to have been apart of." "She -loved- the fight apparently." "And not that it's much or if anyone cares... but Envy did get better. Just took... several months of healing." sighing, she decided to place that smile back up.
Nori didn't bother with anything as meaningless as a smile. "I didn't forget. I left it out purposely." He growled. Tereya was beginning to test his patience. "So... What have you two been up to? Besides fucking eachother's brains out in the company of your host."
Mitsune watched with delight as Adalina took her bite. Immediately afterwards, she hugged her friend. Could they be more then friends? Was there a way for them to be like that..? What was better than a friend?
"Heh. Don't get mad just because you want to watch." Tristeza added, slipping her arm around Bailarin's waist to which Bailarin smiled with a chirp.
Adalina glanced at Mitsune, the cake was good! And oddly; the same thoughts crossed her own thoughts about Mitsu.
"That was sarcasm, dumbass." Tereya retorted, rolling her eyes. "You should try it sometime." Then, they drifted towards the two children, and she couldn't help but grin a bit. Then, she directed her attention to Bailarin and Tristeza. "Oi, don't get any funny ideas, Trizzy... I'm onto you..." She warned, though in a rather bored manner.
Nori was surprised her wife hadn't commented on what he had said. He thought she might've went "yeah, it is too late" or, "you're mine now, so you can't" when he said that he would've liked to fool around a bit more. But, apparently, she wasn't on the ball today. Painstakingly, he took another bite of his cake. Now it tasted like dirt. "You didn't answer the question; what have you been up to?"
Bailarin shrugged, "Not much; we've been around. Me and Tri got married... moved to the human world; spent alot of time finding a house." "Eventually we found and raised Adalina. We've been living a Civilian life preety much, training to keep skilled." Bailarin was leaving out one thing... Tristeza added "Oh, and when Bailarin was just getting in a relationship with me, that Ardiente-chick tried to come back and steal her from me, first normally, then violently." "Oh, and her brother showed up a few years ago on the radar... and he's bad news, we lost track of him though."
"... You didn't kill her, right.." Nori mumbled. It was weird; why was he showing concern for her? But then, he would probably show some concern if someone else got in trouble, too... Anyone of their old crew besides Shade. All that waste did was brag about how he fought Echo; if you could even call it a fight. It was like he considered the man a god, or something... The point was, Nori hoped they didn't kill Ardiente.
"No I didn't." "I let her live for Bailarin's sake." Bailarin nodded, "I showed off of course... that's where I realized my Segunda Etapa, and boy was she shocked, arrogant and possessive woman... ugh." Bailarin frowned at the comment, besides having a future and current life with Tri, she still had attachments to Ardiente, atleast as a sister or friend, or a past-love.
"Oh, please..." Nori scoffed, actually smiling despite his depression. "I doubt you Segunda Etapa could be that powerful... And even if it was, she still has her Demon Form. There is no way it was that easy to beat her."
Bailarin added, "Tristeza is bragging... Ardiente and her were equels in their 'fight'... they both nearly died." Bailarin was atleast going to defend her past love, Tristeza was so full of herself sometimes. Tristeza gave a sigh, "Well..." shrugging inbetween her sentences, "Bailarin is right."
Adalina looked to her parents, Who's Ardiente?
Mitsune hugged Adalina tighter. She shouldn't take her attention off of Mitsune! Mitsune wouldn't let her! "Adalina!" She shouted, her tone indicating she was about to ask a question that had nothing to do with the situation at hand. "U-uhm... Can... Can you sleepover?"
Adalina glanced back to Mitsune. A sleep-over?! Yay, it sounds so fun, she had never had a sleep-over before! She almost did once... but then Tristeza drove them off, and scared off the other girls. Looking to her parents she snuggled up close to Bailarin's otherside, "Heeeyyy Moooomm...." "Can I have a sleep-over here with Mitsu?" "Pweeaaassseee....!" her voice pleading, she puckered out her lip and everything, plus those eyes and the constant whimper. If her Mom had taught her anything; it was how to give that look. Bailarin glanced over for a moment... oh boy. Tristeza only watched; seeing if her wife could resist the whimpering display.
Nori decided to answer for them. "No, you can't sleep-over. I don't really enjoy your parent's company right now, and while you, yourself, are... adorable... Uhm..." For a moment, he lost his train of thought. She better not make that face at him! Nori would have to close his eyes... "... Uhm... I forgot what I was going to say... B-but you can't stay over!" A hand was brought up to his head in frustration. Did he look like an idiot right now..?
Tereya simply watched, hands folded in a Gendo Ikari pose. In reality, she didn't care either way whether they slept over or not. Since Nori was just going to bitch about it if they stayed (and she was rarely in a mood to hear it), she was considering not to let them stay. However, if she dared to voice that opinion, Mitsune would be all over her, demanding "Why the hell not?!" So, it was basically a double whammy. For now, she decided to stay silent.... and hope that she wasn't addressed.
Adalina glanced to Nori; giving the same look. "Pllleeaase?" he had better close his eyes. Walking over to him, her voice and body presence so begging, she walked to Nori's chair and stood on it, giving him a hug. "Please Mr. Nori?" she stayed in the hug for the next long moments dragging on. Bailarin looked at this... waiting to answer.
".... O-Okay..." Nori answered. He wouldn't look at her. But, she still needed the approval of her parents... Were they staying over? "You two aren't staying over, are you...? I-I mean... I guess you could if you wanted too..." Nori was almost tempted to hug her back, but didn't, under the impression that I would make him look like a pedofile. She was so cute..! "Mitsune... Why don't you go set up your room...? For the sleepover..."
"Sure thing, needledick." She laughed. Mitsune smiled warmly at Adalina and her parents, then used Kogeru to disappear upstairs. She really hoped she didn't get fat because she wasn't walking anywhere... But, then, Kogeru burned up energy, so it was okay! She began pulling blankets and pillows out of the closet... Adalina could have her own, because Mitsune liked her so much!
Adalina giggled, giving him a kiss on the cheek like to a father. "Thank you Mr. Nori!" hugging him once more, she rushed up to Mitsune's room to go help get the neccesary stuff for the sleep over. Bailarin watched as she rushed upwards, giving her permission despite it all...
"You didn't ask me, but it's fine with me!" smirking, she looked to Nori and Tereya, "We can go to the Human World to our home, then come back tomorrow, or we can stay here in the guest-room if you have one." "Either is fine with me." Tristeza was about to kick off her boots just to irk him.
"You can stay for the night." Almost in spite of himself, Nori felt warm from the hug and daughterly kiss. Mitsune never acted like that... That was what he wanted his daughter to act like; what would make him happy to be a father. "Uhm... Honestly, I don't know if we have a guest room... But, you could sleep in our room tonight, if you want, and we'll sleep somewhere else." He wasn't asking for his wife's input. If she didn't want to sleep on the couch, he'd make her.
"Oh, nononononono!" Tereya snapped, immediately dropping her arms to the table and fixing Nori with a glare. "We'll make a fucking guest room. We're not having 'em sleep in some used room, especially where we've be--" Immediately, she stopped, looking away and whistling innocently as soon as she realized what she was saying. "Yeah, I'm gonna stop there..."
He looked at her incrediously. "Oh! Because a fucking bed is going to fall out of the sky, right?! We don't have any stains!... That... are visible..." For a moment, Nori looked away sheepishly. "All we have to do is change the sheets! They'll be fine!" He protested. They were sleeping over, and Nori wasn't about to go all the way to the Human World to find a bed, then bring back here. Even if it would only take him about ten minutes...
"Aw, fuck you! That aside, you just said you didn't know if we had one... so what makes you think I don't know, either?"
"Because you're a woman, and all women are stupid. Why would you know about it, when I pick up all the furnature?"
Tristeza's eye twitched just about to get up and yell at him. And the yelling would end with him dead... he had insulted her gender, her, and her wife! Anger filled her mind momentarily; opening her mouth to object. Bailarin, finding the only escape plan was to stop her? But how? Leaping up; Bailarin pulled their lips together in a harsh lock, body pressed against her wife's, Bailarin wrapped her arms around her back and neck, tightening the embrace. She had to stop her somehow!
Too bad this was infront of the whole group... but it was sure to stop the argueing and Tristeza blowing a gasket.
"Oh, you did not just go there..." Tereya gave him a more calmer glare, as if she was rather disappointed in him. "If all women are stupid, then BY GOD--" She lost her calm composure right there, raising her hands up in emphasizing. "--you must be some sort of new brand of retard!! Secondly, if by pick up you mean "sit your fat ass down and moan all day", then sure, you pick up all the furniture! Thirdly, what Sasha knows by the back of her hand, I do too!"
Tristeza, despite enjoying the motion and kiss, slowly shook her head in a -no- motion. Moving her wife aside, she took her stand near Tereya, crossing her arms in anger, she was going to wait her turn to help beat him up in the following moments. "You freaking moron!" clenching her teeth, she was about to kill him if he made the wrong discussion.
Adalina could hear the yelling from downstairs; her mind instantly screamed to cover her ears. But she didn't, going over to Mitsune, whether playing or not, she hugged her, asking her to stop the yelling despite Mitsune having no powers over these situations, "Mitsu, stop the yelling... I hate it when they yell." closing her eyes, she held Mitsune tight in the fear.
"I... I can't..." All Mitsune could do was hug her friend tighter and cover her ears for her.
"Who the fuck're you calling a fatass, fatass!" Nori screamed back, obviously getting heated by the argument. This was fun! Even if he was going to get beaten into a bloody pulp afterwards, it would be worth it. "And how the fuck are you going to bring Sasha into this, when you were her bitch too for nine months?! Fucking hollow took over and you couldn't do shit, because you're too much of a retard to figure out how to do it!"
....oh, he just went too far.
If he didn't expect heated counter-measures, he was dead wrong.
"Well, I would've broken out sooner if you just didn't up and decide "Hey! You know what? Instead of running for my life, I'm just going to make myself become her little whore for all eternity!" Although snappish, Tereya's voice still held that mocking quality. "I mean, really! You have a habit of laying down and saying "Fuck it" in most cases, while the answers are obvious!! Plus, I'd like to see you try overpowering someone who only grows stronger and smarter with you!!"
Tristeza grimaced, watching the two dispute, she would let the wife handle this... Tereya needed to eventually time and time again.
Adalina was glad her best-friend was here for her. The noises were muffled, but the presence of someone else who was with her helped. The usual was that she felt so alone... and had no one. The yelling would go on in her house; and she'd be in the corner screaming, or crying, or in a glazed expression; occassionally two of the three.
"That'd bullshit! She was threatening Mitsune; did you want me to just ditch you two? Besides, that still doesn't change that fact that you were too fucktarded to break free! I lie down and say fuck it because it's less trouble, which is pretty much the only reason you EVER get sex, you worn out whore!" At this point, Nori stood up and was standing menacingly over Tereya. It wasn't like he could actually do anything.
That was it.
Tereya was getting sick of the words.
With a hand, she grabbed Nori's collar and got herself out of her seat... before hurling him away to slam his back into the wall. In an insane manner, her eyes half-lidded, and her pupils shrunk, she folded her fingers together and stretched them out backwards to crack her knuckles. "They're gonna charge me with domestic abuse for this shit, but you fucking asked for it!!!" She declared, vanishing and re-appearing in front of him in order to continue beating him down.
"You're trying to beat me up because you know I'm right."
Taunting her was fun. Nori was enjoying himself, and he actually smiled as he curled up into a ball on the floor. Unfortunately, he knew that he couldn't beat her in a fight, and that she was just going to beat the shit out of him until she calmed down. So he might as well as get the last word in! Tristeza could join in too, if she wanted to! Maybe they'd do him a favor and kill him. "I'm right, I'm right, I'm right...~!"
Adalina covered her ears, rocking herself in Mitsune's arms. The yelling never stopped! Why?! What was the cause of the yelling? Why couldn't they just get along like her and Mitsu? Why couldn't they be good? Tears falling from her eyes as she placed her face in Mitsune's neck to stay there. Adalina's fear of yelling and screams would be signs of a bad-childhood before her life with Bailarin and Tristeza... subconcious memories.
Bailarin soon began to walk up the stairs, she needed to be with Adalina when she was afraid, she couldn't leave her alone! Tristeza only watched with a smirk. "Tch."
With that, Tereya started to beat him, landing punch after kick. In her hands, he was virtually a soccer ball, even more so that he decided to curl himself up. The balls, the stomach, the face... she held nothing back on him... she wouldn't stop until he was barely breathing... or at the very least, until she didn't have the energy to slug him anymore. She was thankful that the children were upstairs... no young eyes should've been able to see such violence.
Bailarin was soon up in the room with Mitsune and Adalina. Immediately the maternal instincts kicked in. Her daughter was crying in her best-friends arms. "I'm so sorry this has to happen..." Hugging them both in a protective embrace, she shut the door behind her with the tip of her foot, and placed energy around the walls... causing the sound to dull done to nothing; effectively making a sound-proof room. "It's okay baby... it's okay..." holding her daughter and daughter's friend, she wanted to stop all of Adalina's pain, and was thankful for Mitsune being here for her.
Mitsune snuggled into Bailarin, and hugged Adalina even tighter. This was nice! They couldn't hear anything anymore, and this Mom was much better than her own! And she smelled nice... They all smelled nice. "Adalina... Do you... Want to play a game..?" She asked, in hopes that it would lighten the mood.
Nori wanted to apologize. But he couldn't. He couldn't muster up the energy to even speak. All he could feel was pain. At this point, Tereya had hit him enough to rob him of the strength to curl up properly; he was slumped against the wall, and didn't rise or move unless one of Tereya's blows made him do so. Blood poured freely out of his mouth and nose... His eyes were red; they'd be black soon enough. When this was over, he'd have to heal himself with his Zanpakuto!
After slamming his face into the ground for one final time, Tereya grabbed the man by a fistful of hair by the back of his head to yank him up on his knees, narrowing her eyes dangerously. "Say it...and I'll stop..." She hissed, grinning in a rather calm, yet frightening and insane manner as well. The sadistic part of her reveled in his pain, but she kept that inside... for now.
"I'm... Stupid... All women are smarter than I am..." Nori answered obidiently, searching her eyes for a small sliver of pitty or mercy. He found none. Maybe he'd have to act like he did when he lived with Sasha again... "I'm sorry, Tereya..."
Fight and Games[]
Mitsune had a good heart... to which Adalina needed. Thankfully, Fate was kind enough to give her a friend. The perfect friend.
Adalina moved her head from Mitsune, sniffling some as her tears stopped and the noise died down finally. Noticing her mother's words and warm presence, she was glad she was here. Looking back to Mitsune, she gave a nod, whiping the tears from her eyes. "Y-yeah."
Mitsune smiled, then looked up to Bailarin with pleading eyes. She didn't have any games! Unless they were tag, or hide-and-seek, which they couldn't do in this room! Just enough to get her attention in case she didn't already know what Mitsune wanted from her, the girl snuggled harder into the woman's body, just enough to get her attention.
Bailarin added, taking the signal. "How about let's play a game that was always my favorite." "All right... you know how your Mom and Dad can use 'magic' or spiritual abilities to do certain things, Mitsune?" "And Adalina, you've only seen me do it once or twice." "This is a special trick..." Bailarin stated, hugging the two as she performed the hard to do trick; it had taken her ages to do this... placing her energy into the air; harmless unlike pressure, it began to cause the room to have a red tint to it, then by focusing, she added the concentration...
The energy in the air changed colors; that of rainbows appeared all around them as if a dream world. "Now this is the fun part you two... just concentrate... if you do hard enough; what you think will appear, kay?" "Like this." placing her finger into the air and contacting the energy, she touched it, and caused two butterfly's to form from the energy, and land on both their noses, intangible, but looking quite real with a fantasy touch.
Mitsune giggled uncontrollably. This was awesome! Focusing intently, she made a Mirror-image of herself in front of all three of them. There were slight changes; it looked a little better than Mitsune herself did. No split-ends, flat teeth... This was, most likely, how Mitsune viewed herself, or what she wished she looked like. Without a moment's hesitation, it ran up and hugged Adalina too, pretending to squeeze her.
Adalina watched as this all occur, her mouth wide open for the time period, this was so cool, and another Mitsune was right here hugging her! Thinking hard for a moment herself... Bailarin smiled as the two went crazy, she knew'd they enjoy this. Adalina stopped thinking for a moment as the image appeared. It was the image of a fox; seeming to be made of darker colors, midnight black with highlights, dots, and streaks of star-light blue. The fox looked around for a moment, and ran around the group several times, giving an un-audible yip.
Mitsune couldn't really think of anything to make... Well, besides more of herself. Another two of her appeared, and they all hugged Adalina too, eachone pretending to snuggle into her. One even nuzzled her cheek! Mitsune had to be careful, though! If she made enough of them, they would dogpile on Adalina, and Mitsune doubted she would like that...
Adalina smiled as the two appeared. Bailarin rolled her eyes as they did so. Dismissing the images of the fox, butterflys and additional Mitsunes, she decided to show the next trick... this one would be harder. "Alright... have you ever wanted..." Bailarin got close to both of their ears, whispering for effect, "Ever wanted to go to a place in your dreams...? Or to a place you once were? Or somewhere you wanted to go someday?" "A waterfall... a queen's castle... a beautiful forest." she kept adding for them to get some ideas. "Think of a place... and concentrate even harder." "Like this..." Bailarin closed her eyes, letting out a breath, the colors shaped themselves in the correct places... and the room seemed to vanish as it became the image in her head. The Sky. The group was hanging in the clouds, even the noises seemed to be real. A single eagle soaring in the distance, clouds floated by, and the ground miles beneath them slowly passed by.
Mitsune smiled at Adalina and nudged her. She knew what Adalina wanted to do! "Do iiit..!" She whispered, covering Adalina's ears just in case she didn't want her mother to know about her sketchbook, if she didn't already know. Adalina could live in her castle, and they could take a tour! It would be fun; they didn't have to sleep during the sleepover! Even though Mitsune would be cranky once morning came around...
Adalina nodded, closing her eyes, and thinking as hard as she could, even crossing her fingers. "Okay..." the image distorted itself, the sky was now dark. Two moons lay in the skies, the ground beneath them now of only sand. The castle formed itself slowly, the foundation of floating earth, then brambles with roses. And finally...the castle. It was perfect... Adalina opened her eyes, and bit her lip as she squeeled, as if her dream came true. "Mitsu!" she grabbed her best-friend and hugged her, letting a sigh out before releasing. "It's perfect!" Bailarin giggled as she watched the two, heck, she could be both their mothers and be happy, she was sure she didn't want to seperate either one now.
"Can we go inside?" Mitsune asked. It was a substitute for 'do you know what the inside looks like yet, so you can imagine it and we can go inside?'. She wasn't trying to be mean about it! But the castle was really nice, and she wanted to see what it looked like on the inside... And, if she hadn't decided yet, Mitsune could help her! They could have pink wallpaper, and ponies, and windows!... It would be more perfect than it already was!
Adalina nodded, "Alright, I'll try!" smiling, she tried to remember her dream, soon, the image moved forward, and the view changed to the interior, just inside the gate. A near endless hall with hundreds of other halls seem to extend from broke off the central. Windows of steined glass appeared, and tapestries were laid across the walls inbetween, a single rug ran the whole way down... Bailarin smiled as her daughter let her mind and imagination flow free.
Spontaneously, Mitsune hugged Adalina. She seemed to be doing that a lot lately... But, this time, it was for encouragement! And because Mitsune liked hugging Adalina. She was comfy... And she smelled nice!... Just as spontaneously, Mitsune stuffed her face into Adalina's neck and inhaled deeply. "Adalina... Smells good..." She giggled. Why not let her know? She deserved to know she smelled nice.
"Thanks! And I think your cute." hugging her back. Bailarin was glad of these two; they were good for eachother. Bailarin added, "When you get older... and learn how to walk in the sky... you can make all these without limits, and walk around, for now... this is just for fun, kay?" Adalina nodded, watching as everything went around.
"I... I'm cute?" Mitsune repeated, staring up at Adalina. She was cute..? No, that was impossible! She couldn't be cute! Adalina was cuter! Mitsune blushed involuntarily, but didn't notice it. "The castle... is really pretty..." At this point, Mitsune was falling asleep. Almost overriding Adalina's control, she made several windows that opened up to the starry night sky, and snuggled into her friend a final time before closing her eyes.
Adalina watched as Mitsune fell asleep; or close to it. Looking up to her Mom, Bailarin signaled it was time for sleep. The images vanished, and the energy dispersed. Adalina smiled as she placed herself on one end of Mitsune's bed, while Bailarin carried Mitsune to the other end, letting them both sleep. Kissing them both on the head as a mother would to her children, she wished them goodnight. "Sleep well, have a good sleep." Adalina closed her eyes as Bailarin left the room.
Bailarin had left... and she headed back downstairs... ugh.
"....I expect to see that area spotless!"
When she headed back down, Tereya was sitting cross-legged on the couch, arms folded across her chest and watching. After she had finished beating him to the ground and into submission, she was making him clean up the blood that he had involuntarily spilled onto the walls and floor... as well as pick up anything that happened to be smashed and discarded during his cruel abuse to his person. Yes, it was harsh, but he went out of his way to call her a worn-out whore, as well as dismiss her as stupid due to the fact that she was a woman. It didn't matter now... she was busy entertaining herself, watching her "slave" work.
"O-Okay!..." Nori shouted. If he said it too quiet, she might not've heard it or might've heard it as a mumble and take it as something else! So, he would shout, so she heard him clearly. Nori prayed she didn't care... Currently, he had picked up all of the debree; all that was left now for him was to mop up the blood! Quickly, he pulled out a rag and the bucket of debree, then began soaking the rag with the blood and wringing it into the bucket. He would clean it up really quick, and make Tereya happy!
"...oh, hey, Bailarin." Boredly looking up, she saw the woman just coming downstairs. She passed a casual grin in her direction. "Are the kids sleepin' good?" Mitsune would never let her hear the end of it with her crankiness... so she was hoping that the noise caused wouldn't cause too much trouble.
Bailarin sighed, "Now... as I said... Adalina hates screaming and the like. When I got up there, she was crying and Mitsune was comforting her. Gladly... everything calmed down and their asleep now." taking a seat on the couch, she sighed as her arm crossed over her eyes. Tristeza had watched the whole ordeal uncaring, as Bailarin came down the stairs, she gave a genuine smile, "Hey babe, looks like you need some rest sweet-heart."
"Want me to show you to your guest room?" Tereya asked dryly, looking over towards Nori. "And HURRY IT UP, YOU'RE GOIN' TOO SLOW!!" If the guests were getting tired, then Nori needed to finish quickly. After all, she had to make damn sure he wouldn't suddenly decide to slack off.
If it was possible, Nori would have gone at quadruple the speed. Unfortunately, Tereya would have to deal with double. "......" In spite of himself, he let out a low grumble. Who was she to boss him around like this?! She was the woman; she should be mopping it up, and making him a samm--... This train of thought was cut-off by a sharp pain in Nori's side, followed by a reminder of what she had done to him. Maybe he'd put up with it, just for now.
Bailarin winced as all this occured. Soon, Tristeza asked, "Are we sleeping on your bed? We can just take the couch." Bailarin smiled as her wife took the position to ask.
"No, you two will have your own room..." Tereya assured, smiling as she got up and stretched a little. "Trust me, in a place like this, there's plenty of the damn things standing around..." After giving one last check, she decided to give Nori a break. "Now, if you'll follow me..." She began to walk herself back in the direction of the upstairs, looking behind her and motioning to the two women to follow her.
"Ah..." Tristeza smiled as Bailarin along with her made their way up-stairs. Tristeza adding jokingly, "We'll try to be quiet." Bailarin frowned, "Yeah; cause I'll be sleeping and you'll be sleeping. You've already acted out enough today... you get nothing tonight." Tristeza frowned, That's what she thinks...
Nori followed silently behind her. He'd wiped up all the blood, and even if he was all bloody and bruised right now, that'd go away after a few weeks, or whenever Tereya let him heal!... So they did have a guest room? Stupidity doesn't necessarily relate to good memory, so Nori wasn't all that worried. He was still smarter! Tereya was just stronger. "What..." Nori hesitated; what if she didn't want him to speak? "What do you want me to do..?"
" really want to do something?" Tereya turned her head to the shoulder, a slightly annoyed look on her face. "How about you go on and wait in our room? I'll be there shortly..." She stated, before turning her head back and continuing to lead the two women to their room.
It appeared to Nori that he'd done something wrong. Instantly, he crumbled at the look of annoyance on his wife's face. Maybe he should try to be nicer... His wife did so much for him... And he paid her back by being an asshole. He would try to be more romantic, spontaneous, non-asshole-ish! It was possible. And with that, and a half-smile, Nori nodded then teleported to the room. When she got there, she'd be in for a surprise..!
Bailarin and Tristeza quietly followed Tereya to their room; thoughts ablaze, they were ready for sleep.
"And here it is...."
Immediately, Tereya stopped in front of a closed door, calmly pushing it open and motioning them inside. "Make yourself comfortable..." They could easily do so; it was average, but still a rather cozy place. Whoever had done the work sure knew how to please someone... if Tristeza and Bailarin somehow didn't like it.... they could fuck off. Most of the other rooms were like this, anyway.... it was like a friggin' apartment building! Without having to pay rent...
Bailarin plopped herself lazily on the bed, not bothering to do much, Tristeza quickly got a change of clothes, and laid next to her wife after the lights were turned out. Placing herself so she pulled Bailarin to her, Bailarin was sound asleep, and Tristeza was soon following.
Slowly, Tereya closed the door, as a mother would when checking up on their sleeping child for the last time. After closing it, she made her way back to her room. She had caught the look on Nori's face.... but, considering it was him, she couldn't bring herself to bitch about it. She stopped at her door, pushing it open and shutting it behind her. She too was ready to go to bed once she saw it... but what was Nori...?
Nori appeared to be sleeping. Her lazy, no-good asshole of a husband had given up on his dreams of wooing her, and instead had retired for the night. The sheets on her side of the bed weren't disturbed; he was very careful about that, too only take the one's from his side. Nori didn't need more problems. Tereya was a bitch. He married her. That was the end of the story, and it was what Nori would be stuck with until the end of time.
Tereya rolled her eyes. So all of it was a mere fake? Whatever... sure, she liked times like this, but overall, she really didn't give a damn. Since the bastard was asleep, she might as well go to sleep, too. She walked over to her own side, setting herself onto the bed and flopping her head down onto the pillow. "Another day, another part of my fucking life gone..." She thought, as she started to drift off...
... Until Nori mounted her. Smiling apologetically, he immediately grabbed her wrists so she wouldn't be able to resist well, and pinned them against the soft sheets below. "Sorry to disappoint you, but I'll be taking control tonight~." He mumbled. She was wearing a shirt..? No problem! Knawing at it, it came undone enough for him to simply rip it off with his teeth. Unless she--somehow--changed positions on him, this would be a new experience for her. Being submissive.
Her eyes widened to a more awake pose, and she opened her mouth in surprise. However, they immediately narrowed, a smirk crossing her face. "Mmm, feisty..." She purred. "And about damn time...!" She'd resist just enough for it not to be boring... otherwise, she would allow for the tables to turn this time. She knew what she could do to him... now it was time to see what he could do to her. She was all his for the taking... and the night would be all theirs.
The End