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"Fear is necessary for evolution. The fear that one could be destroyed at any moment. Thank you, Gin. Thanks to your efforts, I have finally risen to an existence that surpasses both Shinigami and Hollow."

This article, Barnaby Arkwright, is currently under active construction by the author(s) of whom this article's property falls under.

This article, Barnaby Arkwright, is property of Stylx

Barnaby Arkwright
Race Human (Quincy)
Birthday October 30th
Age 27
Gender Male
Height 164cm (6'0")
Weight 77kg (169lb.)
Blood Type AB
Professional Status
Affiliation Wandenreich
Occupation Elite Guard
Epithet The Fixation
Military Branch Sternritter
Base of Operations Silbern, Seireitei
Personal Status
Education Quincy Techniques
Primary Skill
Spirit Weapon Reishi Pistol Crossbow
Signature Skill Obsession Inducement
First Appearance
Story Bleach: Equilibrium

Barnaby Arkwright (バーナビーアークライト, Bānabī Akuraito) is an Echt Quincy and a Sternritter or the Wandenreich. He is also part of a small detail of powerful Quincy called the Elite Guard, his duty being to protect the current leader of the Wandenreich, Roshan Bamshad. He is designated as Sternritter "F" — "The Fixation".


Barnaby is a 27 year old man of Anglo-Saxon descent, he is of an average height and is physically well conditioned, having a noticeably toned and slightly muscular physique as well as a very good muscle to fat distribution for his weight. Barnaby has medium length ginger hair that goes down to the top of his neck and is commonly swept back so as to keep his hair out of his eyes, having a fair skin complexion and a small cluster of freckles going across the bride of his nose to his cheeks. Barnaby's eyes are a greyish blue in colour and have slight bags under them, giving others the impression that he is perpetually tired. Barnaby has sharply defined facial features, having an angular nose, thin eyebrows, a rather wide mouth and a sharp jawline.

Barnaby wears a customised variation of the standard Wandenreich uniform, he wears a long sleeved, plain black t-shirt along with a white flight jacket which is normally unzipped, a black belt with the Wandenreich's symbol emblazoned on its buckle and the typical Wandenreich uniform trousers and black military boots. Additionally Barnaby also wears the Sternritter's ankle length cloak over his uniform during certain occasions.


Barnaby is best described as a snarky, lighthearted individual who takes pride in living his life with an air of sarcastic, cynical humour and relative cheeriness, often addressing people in a casual tone and prodding at their actions and words in order to illicit potentially humourous responses in them, typically laughing off any insults that gets thrown at him in return. However, despite constantly cracking jokes that may seem insulting to some, Barnaby views them as jabs that aren't meant to be taken seriously in any way and appears to act fairly friendly towards most of his allies. While being a snarker most of the time, Barnaby can switch to being attentive during more critical situations, to the point where he becomes serious and focused in stark contrast to his normal behaviour.

In combat Barnaby generally acts like he normally does, often throwing sarcastic remarks about his opponents or their strategies in order to mess with their confidence in their plans, however, while he is for the most part the same as how he normally is, Barnaby is a lot less carefree and is in fact focused when it comes to fighting back. Barnaby often employs the use of his Schrift ability of The Fixation in order to disable any strategies that his enemies are tying to achieve by marking them and forcing them to do something that doesn't conform to their plan, ruining it.

Barnaby enjoys reading a great deal, stating that he enjoys books that allow him to lose himself within it's story and characters, as such, he is usually found either reading or conversing with others in his spare time. Barnaby is also a very light sleeper, generally only needing a small amount of time, be it anywhere from three to four hours of sleep to feel fully rested. Barnaby's favourite dish is Black Pudding while he dislikes any kind of spicy food, with him being unable to properly taste it.


Quincy Cross (滅却十字 (クインシー・クロス), kuinshī kurosu; Japanese for "Destruction Cross"):

Seele Schneider (魂を切り裂くもの (ゼーレシュナイダー), Zēreshunaidā; German for "Soul Cutter"; Japanese for "That Which Slits the Soul"):

Powers & Abilities[]


Bleach: Equilibrium[]

The Balance of Souls Arc[]
