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Bleach Fan Fiction Wiki
This article, Aurora Pendragon, is part of Bleach: War for the King's Seal, which continues on from the opening segments of the site's former Fanon Canon project. Use of this page's contents is determined by the author of this page, unless otherwise specified.
This T.A.R.D.I.S is "Bigger on the Inside" and under protection of the Nineteenth Doctor....Allons-y!

The Witch of Roses (薔薇の魔女, Bara no Majo) or otherwise known formally as Aurora Pendragon (オーロラペンドラゴン) or less formally Rory, is a Gemischt Quincy who was once affiliated with Wing Bind. She is the child of Marilyn Pendragon, a notable Witch of House Pendragon and a refugee Male Quincy. She currently hiding in Front London. Aurora was once a member of the Anthems before she failed to stop a Dragon from devouring her older brother. Following the death of her brother she became the new vessal for the Saga Uther, as the holder of the Dragon Seal, however due to her defection from both Wing Bind, and also her family obligations, Her Aunt the acting head of the family has declared her a traitor and issued a bounty on her head.

Six years prior when she was still a member of Wing Bind, Aurora participated in the Cultural Exchange Initiative with the Soul Society West Branch at the request of her brother Arthur, during which time she was partnered with Ladd Langdon and Gareth Tristan. During such time she learned a lot about Shinigami, and as a result incorporated their fighting styles into her own.

Aurora is seeking the remainder of the Akashic Records, a powerful spell book said to have been written by Merlin. This book is suspected with having the power to restore life as she wishes to revive her family.

Following her mission to collect the missing pages of the Akashic Records, Aurora underwent her final evolution, transcending both her Quincy heritage but also her Witch potential, becoming an angel.



Aurora in full spiritual form

When not in combat, Aurora has short, shoulder length blonde hair with her bangs being longer than the rest. She has green-blue eyes accented with red eye shadow. She appears younger than her years and almost always has a serious/stoic look upon her face. She is typically seen wearing a knee length white dress that is pretty basic in appearance. The dress is accented with a gray bow and gray belt and she wears plain red flat bottomed shoes on her feet. This appearance is unassuming to most and is used to blend in and hide in plain sight however once she invokes her Astral Dress, her appearance drastically is altered.

While in her Astral Dress form, her dress shortens in the front Being just below her hips. She gains a black corset and the dress changes into a deep red color. The back of the dress is quite long and reaches past her knees. The sleeves are unattached to the rest of the outfit and on her left arm is a gold bracelet that winds up her arm. She also gains black stockings with a similar gold piece of jewelry on her right thigh. Her shoes become red heels and in her hair is a crown of thorns with a red rose adorned on it. The biggest change is that her blonde hair changes to a light pink with red undertones. Her dress is considered to be similar to the Reishi Heisō owned by other Quincy.


Aurora is a child of two worlds. Firstly, her mother was a Witch of Wing Bind, whilst her father was a Quincy, one who was affiliated with the Wandenreich. As such, she was never truly accepted by either side of her lineage, regardless of what her parents planned. Wing Bind was a secretive organization, and Aurora was at best an impure Quincy, seen as tarnished by her brethren the moment her father laid with her mother.

Despite the politics surrounding her heritage, Aurora was happy, but feared what she saw as an inevitable: she would be left alone, her parents and brother wrested from her, no matter her own strength or actions.

To protect both Aurora and her brother, Arthur, Aurora's parents were mostly absent, leading to Arthur mostly raising his younger sister himself. Despite the obvious dysfunction, the two were happy. They would play music together whenever the opportunity presented itself, something Aurora continued even when her brother died. Arthur's death did much to change Aurora, however, to the point she was said to have "grown cold and emotionless", very different to the happy girl Arthur had known. Arthur was the core of Aurora's social life, for most of her friends and acquaintances were introduced to her through her beloved brother, so when he died Aurora lost a piece of herself. The fact she failed to save him from a Dragon attack, when given enough opportunity, only furthered her self-loathing.

Her naivety was preyed upon by others. As a young woman, scarcely in her teenage years, Aurora was open to manipulation, leading her to be viewed as the so-called "perfect soldier". She would often disregard her own life on the battlefield, attacking with such reckless abandon that she earned for herself the name "Witch of the Roses".

By 2020, Aurora was on the run, determined to escape both Wing Bind and her own family who have labelled her a traitor.



Born in the year 2000 as the second child to a couple on the run. Her father a former member of the Wandenreich and her mother a former member of Wing Bind. During the first 5 years her parents moved the family around a lot to different safehouses around London, to hide from prying eyes of Quincy who wanted to assassinate her father and exterminate the "abominations" he sired. Marilyn and her husband would set up areas for the family to live using special magics and for a time the family lived together. However, it became apparent that neither Wing Bind nor the Wandenreich would let either of them go willingly so as a measure to protect the children the Parents left them at a safehouse in central London under the care of their maid.

Aurora was 5 when her parents left her brother and herself. Living with Arthur was made bearable due to Arthur teaching her music on the piano and their training. Due to being a prodigy at age 9, Arthur spearheaded Auroras training, in both Quincy arts and Witch/Wizard spell craft. At first Aurora didn't have the aptitude to harness her magical power and couldn't draw in magic particles to form her weapon.

During their training over the next 3 years, Arthur discovered that there was a strange blockage within his sister causing her magical power to be suppressed. Using his own power he forced the black age out revealing a vast and unruly energy within Aurora. Once the blockage was cleared Aurora took to using her father's cross to form a Spirit Weapon and she began training in Ernest to master Hirenkyaku and other Quincy techniques as well as the Pendragon magic.

To Wing Bind and Beyond[]

Around when Aurora was 10, Arthur decided to join Wing Bind in order to better take care of her due to them needing finances to continue to live in the Manor. Coming out of hiding, Arthur shocked the Top of Horns and Aurora remained in the Manor until she was 12 when she was urged by her rising star of a brother to also join Wing Bind. Within a year due to her training her magical skills since she was 8 years old and training her body since she was 5, Aurora was physically conditioned beyond that of her peers.

At 13 she was selected by Arthur to accompany him to the Seireitei, along side fellow newcomers Ladd Langdon and Gareth Tristan. While in the Seireitei, she studied under the Kidō Corps and learned how to intermix her Magic with the Death God Kidō. It was also shown that she was able to speed up her voice in order to improve her cast time by speaking the incantation quickly, allowing her to bypass her limitations of needing to speak the incantation for the foreign spells.

Three years following this educational journey, Arthur was killed on a mission while Aurora was left to sit and watch. The Dark Dragon, known as Mad Hatter, mortally wounded Arthur and in his last breath he told Aurora to take the pact of their family from him so it wouldn't be lost. Taking a chunk of his flesh from his arm, she underwent the ritual with Arthur using the last of his magic to transfer Uther's covenant to her. Arthur's death took a toll on Aurora who would later abandon both her duties to House Pendragon and Wing Bind, becoming a traitor to both.

On The Run[]

Aurora would seek out an old acquaintance of her brothers by the name of Yukine Nagato In order to train in the arts of a Quincy but also to seek out the dark dragon, as she was forbidden from doing so by Wing Bind, as long as she was under their jurisdiction. While with Yukine, she would learn his signature skill Harudōga Mūshō as well as awaken her Astral Dress Oversoul.

While dodging Ladd who was hunting her on behalf of Wing Bind, as well as her Cousins who were hunting her on behalf of their mother and the Pendragon House she would travel back to the Soul Society in order to try to find Arte's soul.


Blank Period[]

Blank Period: Cultural Exchange Initiative[]

Bleach: War for the King's Seal[]

Main article: Bleach: War for the King's Seal

The Witch Hunt[]

  • Aurora and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
  • So Long and Thanks for All the Memories
  • To Kill a Dragonclad
  • The Perks of being a Half-Breed

Powers and Abilities[]

  • High Magical Power: Due to Aurora's heritage, she commands a pretty decent amount of spiritual power. Her actual level is around a Lieutenant level Shinigami. Due to an injury she sustained, her spiritual power leaks out as quickly as it is replenished. While not an issue in her human form, while using her Astral Dress, it causes the form to be unstable.
  • Swordsmanship Skills: When using her Witch kit, Aurora is able to hold her own in bladed-combat. This was exemplified when she was participating in the Cultural Exchange Program, as she trained alongside the Sixth Division in proper Zanjutsu. Couple this with her previous training she had under the tutelage of Arthur in the use of Fencing as well as traditional knight swordplay, Aurora is able to hold her own against most foes.
  • Highly-Skilled Spellcaster: As a former member of Wing Bind, Aurora is quite versed in the use of Mahō. By focusing her maryōku through her Witch Kit or her voice, and speaking (or in some cases not speaking) the incantation, she is able to fire spells at her target. While her exact skill level has never been stated she is able to utilize some spells nonverbally showing she has some proficiency. Due to her extensive training during her formative years as well as her drive to overcome her limits, Aurora has mastered a few of her families original spells as well as created a few of her own, the notable one being her Soul Bang Cannon.
  • Speed Casting: Using her training as an Anthem, Aurora has discovered a way to enchant her voice and allow her to increase the speed of which she speaks. While not useful for her Arias when singing, it allows for her to speed up the use of other spells that require a specific incantation to be cast to be cast quickly as she will hasten the rate at which she speaks the words.
  • Kidō Expert: Due to her participation in the Cultural Exchange Initiative, Aurora has a grasp of the way the Shinigami cast spells. In learning kidō, she has augmented her spell-craft with the powerful and versatile Bakudō and Hadō, however unlike her skill with her magic she has to speak the incantations to gain the full effect. Her skill however has allowed her to utilize spells up to the 50's without much trouble other than the pre-for mentioned limitations. When she tries to cast higher level spells, she is met with some degree of difficulty even with the incantation spoken.
  • High Intelligence: As a child, Aurora was gifted with an above average intelligence as she was able to do and figure out things at young ages. By the time she joined Wing Bind, she was a master calculator, able to mix and match others strengths and weaknesses to cover all the bases while in the field. She often would partner with her brother since they were in sync most often. After sealing her emotions she became very meticulous and started taking more risks with high rewards. Her intelligence was said to be scary to behold because she would either tear you apart or make you wish you were. In the field of Spiritual Arts, Auroras intelligence is what allowed her to synthesize Soul-made Silver and use it to modify her Witch Kit to mimic the ability of Zanpakutō to change shape. She also deduced her own weakness with her maryōku manipulation and regulation and has started taking actions to rectify it. She possesses a memory capacity which allows her to recall any battle strategy ever used by both Quincy and Witches.

Quincy abilities[]

  • Spirit Tracking: As an advanced form of spiritual awareness, Aurora is able to sense and track individuals based on their spiritual powers/magical powers, it was said that her powers were similar to Pesquisa used by Arrancar and as such she can also tell what race the person is and the level of spiritual energy they possess.
  • Novice Ransōtengai User: Due to Aurora not having proper training in this skill, she cannot utilize it to the highest degree but she is able to on a rudimentary level continue to fight while physically impaired.
  • Intermediate Hirenkyaku User: Aurora's Hirenkyaku has been dubbed "Petal Burst" by those who have witnessed it due to how she scatters spiritual rose petals from her body upon activation. These petals are manifestation of her spiritual power and as a result she is able to convert herself completely into petals while in her spirit transformation, allowing her to dodge attacks, this however is a costly skill as it cost more energy to fully convert herself and then reform into a solid mass.
  • Heilig Feuer: A skill she learned from her father, is the ability to convert her maryōku or the mashi around her into flames. These flames like her arrows are red in color rather than blue due to the nature and coloration of her magical pressure.
  • Blut: A standard defensive skill, Aurora is able to harden her skin using her magical power in order to block attacks. This is more used in her human form rather than her spirit form, however she is able to use it in both states.
  • Harudōga Mūshō: Taught to her by Yukine, Aurora had modified this technique to be more of an amplifier than an overall stand alone technique. To use she forms one or two lenses which she fires her attacks through. These are then refracted around corners if needed or magnified into a larger beam.
  • Heilig Pfeil: While she cannot form a Spirit Weapon due to losing her late father's Quincy Cross, Aurora has additionally modified her Witch Kit to be able to be her focus for her Quincy arrows. Due to the coloration of her magical power, her arrows are red in color rather than blue.
  • Licht Regen: By concentrating a large amount of Mashi from around her body into her Witch Kit, Aurora is able to fire a massive volley of Arrows at his opponents. These "arrows" appear like light bullets when fired.

Ancestral Contract[]

"Where the Holy Arrow and the Book Intersect; Rewrite the World! Awaken the Slumbering Dragon! Force of the King!"
— Voice of Uther, announcing Aurora's evolution

Aurora cleansing a blight from her brother

Aurora taking the contract

Main article: Ancestral Contract Having acquired the dragon seal from her dying brother and taking a part of him into herself, Aurora has access to the near limitless magical power held by Uther that is channeled through the spirit of her ancestor King Arthur Pendragon. This ability has manifested itself as a second consciousness within her mind, acting as an encyclopedia of knowledge. She often refers to Arthur's presence as her Noble Sage and by speaking with it, she gains the combined knowledge of all who preceded her including her lost brother.

This contract allows for Aurora to discover the source of her spiritual injury and discover a solution. In doing so she was able to heal her astral form and as a result, stop leaking magical energy, thus allowing her to complete her Astral Dress: Oversoul.

Lost Arts[]

Fire God's Raiment[]

"Burn Away, and Cast off! God's Raiment Manifest!"
— Triggering her new form

Aurora, while on the run from both Wing Bind and her estranged family, decided to travel the world in search of knowledge and power. Her journey was both a quest for self-discovery and a desperate bid for survival. During her travels, she would study the Akashic Records, ancient texts said to contain all the secrets of the universe. As she meticulously studied the pages, she discovered an ancient form of magic that exhibited qualities strikingly similar to those of the Quincy, a powerful and mystical group.

This newfound magic required a significant sacrifice: Aurora had to seal away a portion of herself or one of her attributes into a special sigil. These sigils were reminiscent of those used by the Inks of Wing Bind, the organization she was fleeing from. After much deliberation, Aurora chose to seal away her Astral Dress, a powerful manifestation of her magical abilities. However, this sacrifice alone was not enough to fully harness the ancient magic.

In her time of need, Houou, decided to lend its power to this new art, strengthening the bond between them. The merging of Houou's power with Aurora's already potent magical transformation in her Astral Dress resulted in the creation of a new and formidable power. This fusion of energies gave birth to an extraordinary ability, which Aurora named "Fire God's Raiment" in honor of Houou's sacrifice.

The Fire God's Raiment transformed Aurora, imbuing her with immense strength and resilience. It combined the fiery essence of Houou with the mystical properties of her Astral Dress, creating a unique and powerful form. With this new power, Aurora felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead on her path of discovery and survival.

The Fire God's Raiment is a transformative power similar to an Arrancar's Resurrección, as it releases a sealed portion of the user's power while triggering a significant transformation. In this form, Aurora exhibits elements of her appearance when merged with Houou in her Oversoul state. She gains majestic red angel wings resembling a phoenix, a fiery aura, and claw-like talons adorning each wrist.

Her attire transforms into a regal red dress, echoing her original Astral Dress but now adorned with a cascading pattern of reds, oranges, and blues, forming a mesmerizing flame motif. This new form not only amplifies her magical abilities but also symbolizes the harmonious fusion of her and Houou's powers, making her a formidable force.

  • Flight: Using her wings Aurora is able to fly at high speeds that far exceed her normal speeds using Hirenkyaku.
  • Enhanced Magic: While in this transformation, Aurora has enhanced magical spellcasting abilities. Due to the influence of the Ancestral contract she is able to cast high level magic spells as well as Kidō, having cast the powerful Kurohitsugi while transformed and fighting the Mad Hatter.
  • Enhanced Durability: While in her Raiment, Aurora was able to take a direct hit from Yuki's Harudōga Mūshō when it was deflected by Mad Hatter, in their encounter.
  • Enhanced Harudōga Mūshō: Due to her increased aptitude with manipulating and collecting Mashi from the air, Aurora is able to rapidly condense the ambient Mashi into lenses in a more efficient manner than even the techniques creator Yuki. While in use in this state, the lenses are created and then dispersed in a larger area before she fires her own beam of concentrated raw Magic energy to create a grid of death around her. The lenses reflect and refract the initial beam to almost infinity, allowing for a nearly unstoppable attack.
  • Sonido: While in her new transformation, Aurora instinctually tapped into this skill and using it she was able to evade the sensing abilities of Ladd Langdon, delivering a swift kick to his abdomen. This speed is higher than her usage of Hirenkyaku in that she moves instantaneously between two points, leaving nothing but the signature static sound, meaning it is not useful for stealth missions. It is unknown how the half Quincy learned this ability but she makes use of it often after acquiring.
  • Chinatsu Nekki (鎮圧熱気, "Subjugation of Heat") Formerly the basis of Hōō's Immolation prowess, this ability merged with Aurora when she performed the rite to obtain her Fire God's Raiment. The essence of this ability is the dominion over the ambient air's thermal energy. This command of heat permeates her surroundings, a testament to her fiery influence. This was once accessible both in Shikai and Bankai, however with the fusion, Aurora is able to utilize the function fully without restriction. When fully expressed, the air becomes still and stagnant as she evaporates all of the moisture around her. The dry heat that permeates outwards begins to dry out her opponents and, on a whim, she is able to cause them to combust, by forming a column of invisible superheated air, which is then raised to over 200,000 degrees.

Wind God Raiment[]

Another transformation Aurora acquired using the Akashic Records and a gift from Yukine. In doing so she became a Harpy-like being, like the legends of the beings from Greek myth.


Aurora's Witch Kit standard form

Aurora's Default Kit

  • Witch Kit: Having taken her Brothers Witch Kit upon his death and the loss of her father's Quincy Cross, Aurora choose to continue fighting using the wand as her primary weapon. Due to her intelligence, she was able to use a skill that her father had research materials on pertaining to Soul-made silver, a Quincy ability to synthesize materials. Doing so she modified Arthur's kit to be able to transform upon hearing the phrase "Keep the Word." She noted that in her father's records from the Wandenreich, it mentioned that the members of the Soul Society East Branch use something called a Zanpakutō, which was able to change shape as well as each having a unique name. Upon deciding on a name, she dubbed her new Witch Kit "Raziel" ("Secret of God") and treats it as she would a Zanpakutō, as to her it spiritually embodies her late brother. Her primary weapon form is that of a golden sword with red accents, however she also has a gun and a larger sword variant.
  • Unnamed Amp: While she was a member of the Anthems, she held an Amp that was styled as a Microphone. This mic was used in the manner befitting a singer allowing her to serenade her opponents into submission using her beautiful voice and melodious incantations.

Former Powers and Abilities[]

"Manifest now my true power, so that I may vanquish all evil!"
— Aurora's transformation call

Aurora spirit transformation

Astral Dress

  • Astral Dress: Aurora discovered during her time in the Seireitei during the Cultural Exchange Program, that she has the rare ability to shift between a physical form to a spiritual form at will. This ability has assisted her in her past with Wing Bind by allowing her to not be fully confined by the limitations of a human form. Initially, she used more spiritual energy due to her inability to regulate her own Mashi and as a result the form is prone to disengage at the wrong times, however this was fixed upon her gaining the Ancestral Contract. When triggered her body is surrounded by scarlet rose petals. While in this form, her physical parameters are enhanced to far above that of a normal human allowing her to lift several times her own body weight and hit things with a force able to shatter bone or stone. She was noted by Yuki to be able to kick a Dragon and/or a Hollow a considerable distance. In this form she is made up of magicial/spiritual particles and is akin to beings like Shinigami.

"Welsh Dragon, OVERSOUL!"
— Uther declaring the transformation

Aurora's Vollständig

Astral Dress: Oversoul

  • Astral Dress: Oversoul: is the name of Aurora's Advanced Spirit Transformation. This was created following her acquiring the Ancestral Contract, and using the knowledge gained from her ancestors; She enhanced her spirit form. This was accomplished by using what she learned about the Quincy: Vollständig and Quincy: Letzt Stil from her father's notes from the Wandenriech and the dragon-like influence of the pact itself; She was able to create a state in which she is able to replicate the power of the Vollständig, without needing a Sanrei Glove or any Quincy Artifact. When activated Aurora's body erupts with spiritual power generating a pool of black. Once the black tar-like substance erupts around her, coating her completely she's often heard screaming in pain as the transformation takes hold. Once the substance cracks and shatters away, she is seen wearing a white and black dress accented with gold. She gains six black wings and a red Heiligenschein above her head. Unlike most Quincy she has a sinister appearance with her personality becoming more violent. Her hair also changes for an unspecified reason becoming purple and extending a bit farther down almost past her shoulders. In this state she is more focused on defeating her opponent by any means necessary, a contrast to her normal demeanor. From onlookers they have stated she looked like a fallen angel.

"Hōō, I understand your heart.....Ban....Kai!"
— Aurora using Fukyū Hōō Jihi

  • Astral Dress: Oversoul X Bankai: In a climactic showdown against the formidable Mad Hatter, a fateful twist unfolds for Aurora. Her Witch Kit, an embodiment of her power, is lost and gravely marred. Confronting the unleashed maw of the draconic Mercury's breath, she beseeches Hōō for aid. Responding to her plea, Hōō manifests in Aurora's grasp, ignited in her Shikai state. A unique resonance pulses between them, their spiritual energies entwined through the Akashic Records. As Aurora invokes the Astral Dress: Oversoul, a paradigm-shifting moment commences. The revered utterance of "Bankai" reverberates, catalyzing an intricate fusion of powers. The Oversoul is irrevocably transmuted, infused with the essence of Fukyū Hōō Jihi. The once-pristine wings now bear a crimson hue, an emblem of this potent melding. An alchemical shift occurs, as the fusion imbues a "purifying" quality—a counterbalance to the inherent malevolence entwined within the transformation. This harmonious amalgamation yields a prodigious force—a synchronized form of unparalleled might. With a staggering amplification of at least twentyfold, the Astral Dress: Oversoul is elevated to extraordinary heights. Empowered by this newfound synergy, Aurora ascends to a level commensurate with a Captain, a formidable combatant able to hold her ground against the most seasoned adversaries. Within this momentous convergence of powers, Aurora and Hōō inscribe a legacy marked by unity, transcending their individual strengths to birth a form of unparalleled potency—an embodiment of resilience and triumph in the face of daunting odds.

Behind the Scenes[]

  • The inspiration for Aurora stem from the character Destiny from the series "Takt op. Destiny" (Her image source) as well as Ruby Rose from the series RWBY by Rooster Teeth.
  • This character serves as the second Quincy created by the author but also their departure from creating Shinigami. Aurora marks the authors return to the series of Bleach and to Bleach Fanfiction as a whole after a long hiatus.
  • Credit for her personality section goes to User:Kenji Hiroshi a great friend of mine on the Wikia.
  • Images can be found here.
  • Her creator has decided that "This Will Be The Day" by Jeff Williams and Casey Williams is her theme.


"Now....I understand the eternal truth of this foul world....I must decide how this story concludes! It must be as beautiful as can be; For Arthur!"
— Aurora to Ladd during an encounter
