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Bleach Fan Fiction Wiki

This article, Atravesado, was added by Abysmal Shadows who determines its usage on this wiki.

Location Statistics
Type Village(s)
Located In Hueco Mundo
Ruled By None

Atravesado (Spanish for, "Crosswise") is a loose collection of Hollow settlements hidden beneath the surface of Hueco Mundo. Much like the {{bw|Forest of Menos}}, there are specific routes which lead to its location, however these are largely unknown save for the residents within. They are villages for a lack of a better term comprised of Hollows that have risen beyond their baser instincts and have resolved to work together to live beyond merely surviving as mere predators and scavengers. This rudimentary civilization perhaps marks the first real instance of Hollows creating something resembling a society.

There are Hollows with professions, trades and skills that ply their talents for trinkets, and other things from the mortal realm. Others hunt lesser Hollows; those lacking any sentience and bring bounty to the villages. Though many in these villages are individually weak, they have learned to overcome their lack of strength through coordination, and strategy to take on the more powerful and often dangerous Hollows that would threaten their lives.


Within the heart of hearts of those who reside in Atravesado, there has always been an Atravesado. For as long as there have been Hollows, those who have gained sentience and a desire that exists beyond mere feeding have dreamed of a world, a place where they could belong. Though they are Hollow, they were once human and human desires are not so easily destroyed in the transformation in death. It was an always an ideal, a concept that could never be. Hollows are innately destructive beings, and the eternal hunger that plagues them can whittle away even the strongest of wills if left with recourse.

When neighbors become prey, not just for exploitation but for food at the whims of another, peace, even tentative peace might as well be a dream. Still, many tried and struggled to build something, something that could last, even for a little while. At best the earliest successes were nomadic groups that hunted together like packs, never staying in location too long for fear of gathering the attention of something stronger. For it was inevitable that should a settlement be established, its existence would not remain secret for long, and those Hollows consumed by hunger would soon snuff them out and destroy what had been built.

That is until the appearance of a lone menos wielding strength enough to match that of those who would seek to harm its fellows. Soon others gathered beneath its many watchful eyes and a village formed. Eventually others followed. With the combination of unique abilities all gathered in one spot, the utility of some was put to use to wreath a veil around them to hide their location. Soon the lone Menos was accompanied by others and with their combined might rent space asunder and formed a sort of dimensional barrier around the villages. There they achieved a tentative peace, or something resembling it as far as Hollows are concerned.

They have remained a neutral force, though mostly hidden and unseen by the greater machinations of those who sought to reshape the world in their image.

Notable Individuals[]
