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This article, Asuka Tenraiseki is the property of Darkrai.
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Asuka Tenraiseki
Asuka Tenraiseki anime
Name Asuka Tenraiseki
Kanji 天来関-明日花
Romaji Tenraiseki Asuka
Race Shinigami
Birthday July 23
Age Unknown
Gender Female
Height 4'11"
Weight 93lbs
Professional Status
Affiliation Gotei 13, Soul Society, 13th Division
Occupation Captain of the Thirteenth Divison
Team Thirteenth Division
Partner Unknown
Base of Operations Soul Society
Personal Status
Marital Status Single
Education Shinō Academy
Status Active
Shikai Not Yet Revealed
Bankai Not Yet Revealed

Asuka Tenraiseki (天来関-明日花, Tenraiseki Asuka lit. Tomorrow's Flower obstructed by the Heavenly Gate) is a Shinigami of the Gotei 13 and Captain of the 13th Division. Her Lieutenant is unknown. She is a character in Bleach: Rasenhiden.


Asuka is a fair skinned woman with pale skin and long, flowing black hair with bangs that frame her face, and she wears it tied in a ponytail. Her most notable physical trait however is her crimson eyes. Unlike most eyes, they possess a unique pattern floating inside, consisting of a mitsudomoe (三つ巴) pattern surrounding the pupil. Her outfit is heavily customized, lacking a kosode that comprises the Shihakushō (死覇装, Garment of Dead Souls), and her haori is worn tucked into her hakama, and left open to reveal the bandages she wears over her breasts. Instead of the obi, she wears a large, purple rope around her waist.




Soul Society Arc[]

Powers & Abilities[]


Asuka's Zanpakutō is unknown, and it's sealed stated hasn't been seen. However, her subordinates confirm Asuka wears the blade hidden in her sleeve.

