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This article, Anael Meril, was added by TrashMan who determines its usage on this wiki.

"We hypothesize that the members who went along with the spiritual detection squad died before they were able to send data..."

This article has been marked as a stub and is awaiting expansion by its original author.
Anael Meril
SK Ariel
Name Anael Meril
General Information
Race Shinigami
Age 500
Gender Female
Height 175cm
Weight 60kg
Eye Color green
Hair Color blonde
Professional Information
Affiliation Soul Knights
Occupation %th Division Commander
Partner Raphael Cenedril
Base of Operations Avalon
Personal Information
Marital Status Married
Status Alive


An athletic woman with short, blond hair. Anael is shorther and of a slimer build compared to her partner.

Her Soul Armor is white with light blue and yellow decorations and golden gauntlets, with a blue sash around the waist and a refined necklace with a red ruby around her neck. She wears a cape only on formal occasions, prefering to go without it.


She's a cheerful individual full of energy, but moves and behaves with a noble grace. A woman of impeccable bedside manner, more than one knight got injured just to see her. Once she got married to Raphael many hearts were broken.


Soul Resonance: Anael and Raphael have been friends before joining the military and husband and wife since. As such their bond is exceptionally strong and they easily mastered both techniques.

Enhanced Strength: Anael poses impressive strength for her size,

High Spiritual Pressure: As expected of a captain-class shinigami, she posses a high spiritual pressure.

Expert Fighter: Anael is well versed in various forms of swordsmanship and close comabt arts.

Kido Master: Highly versed in Kido, especially healing Kido.

Spiritual Telekinesis: Average ability. She is restricted to pushing/pulling smaller objects.


Soul Armor

Captains penulam - similar to a haori, the penulam takes the form of a cloak or cape. It is marked with the insignia of the division and personal heraldy. Captains penulams are also items with power - the most common being hiding of the wearers spiritual pressure, altough there are many others with more esoteric uses.

Teleportation amulet


Santgaer: A normal looking sword, with a purple handle.

File:SK SW3.jpg

Anaels sword in Bankai


Shikai: An elegant longsword with a golden ricasso and handguard.

*Phasing: Anael can become intangable for a moment, phasing trough objects, tructures or attacks.

*Bloody Thorns: Anael places a hand on the ground and thorned vines burst underneath the enemy and entagle him. The thorns are incredibly sharp and they increase in size after the target is captured. The wounds they inflict do not close, causing the enemy to slowly bleed to death.


Bankai: Not yet Revealed

Behind the Scenes[]

Named after archangel Anael - the Grace of God

Meril - elvish for rose
