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This article, Amparo Encarnita, is property of Darknesslover5000.

"That power...ain't Shinigami. What the hell are you?"
Amparo Encarnita to Ahatake Kurosaki

Amparo Encarnita
Amparo Encarnita
(Encarnita Amparo)
Age ?
Height 5ft 6in
Weight 145 lbs
Gender Male
Species Arrancar
Partners Adela Adelina
Affiliation Himself, Adela
Previous Affiliation none
Team none
Previous Team none
Occupation none
Previous Occupation(s) none



Amparo bears a great resemblance to Grimmjow Jeagerjaques. has light-black spiky hair and dark black eyes, and also has black lines below them, similar to the eye markings on the Panthera genus of cats, as well as the red marks on Ikkaku Madarame's eyes. Amparo's attire consists of a white hakama and a black sash; his white jacket is ragged with an upturned collar. The inner lining is black, the sleeves are rolled up, and Amparo wears it open, leaving a muscular chest revealed. The remains of his Hollow mask consist of the right jawbone, and his Hollow hole has moved to his abdomen.



Power's and Abilties[]

Amparo is a very strong Arrancar having Espada like strength , being about as strong as Grimmjow.

*Cero: Amparo like Ahatake has an abnormally powerful normal cero, but it is fired from one hand.

*Gran Rey Cero: Being about as strong as the Sexta Espada he is capable of performing the Gran Rey Cero

*Garganta: The power that Hollow's and Arrancar use to go to and from Hueco Mundo. Amparo has the ability to use the technique. It literally tears open the dimensional fabric separating the worlds, revealing a tunnel of whirling, torrential energy that must be focused and solidified to create a discernible pathway.

*Tri-cero: A very strong tri-focused cero similar to the one used by Hollow Ichigo. This is Amparo's Hissatsu Waza or Desperation Move.

*Cero Oscuro: Only capable of using it in his release form, Amparo is capable of firing a massive black cero with a dark purple outline.


Muerte (死 Spanish for Death). His Zanpakutō resembles an ordinary Katana with no decoration.

Amparo released

Amparo's Ressurecion

Resurrección: His Release command is Pursue Him (追求奴中 Tsuikyuu yatsu chuu) When released his hair lengthens, becoming purple, and his mask fragment vanishes, and he gains new outfitting as well as a scythe.

Resurrección: Segunda Etapa: Amparo's Resurrección" Segunda Etapa is not very different from his Resurrección, only with slightly longer hair and his weapon changes into a scythe-spear. He is so far the only Arrancar shown to exhibit a weapon in his Segunda Etapa, and the only Arrancar not an Espada to exhibit the Resurrección: Segunda Etapa.
