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This article, Ametsumi, was added by Sentonara who determines its usage on this wiki.

Kanji 恋罪

Ametsumi (恋罪, negative place) is the world home to the race of the Munashimeisei, created and ruled by the Ryujin.


Ametsumi is located in between all of the spiritual worlds, a strange phenomenon Ametsumi is connected at

Ametsumi theroy

Tsukin Towaguma Explaining Ametsumi's (Center) connections to the other spiritual worlds

the center of all the spiritual worlds. Through the beings that inhabit the other worlds, not understanding the full extend of the world. It leaves many of the Soul Society's, Hueco Mundo's, Hell's and the other world's best minds, not to fully understand Ametsumi.Being the main hideout and base of the Ryujin and Munashimeisei, the world is a rough and hard landscape to travel through. Making it hard for any outsiders to enter into the main keeps of Ametsumi Castle and the court yards. Always looking as if was night time; Ametsumi is a world that many will never forget.

Home to all of the Munashimeisei each class is sectioned off into one particular area, having thousands of different distracts and bases throughout Ametsumi. Making it prepared for any military campaign against the Ryujin and the Munashimeisei.


Teiku Plains[]

Teiku Plains-(低空, Low Slums) is the lowest and poorest area in Amestumi, being the easiest to go through mostly flat fields of rock and ashes. Zero populated because of a thick dense fog covers the area, making it a natural barrier to keep out outsiders. There being no need for any bases or guard station in the areas. Being the first area that has high defenses, keeping most of invaders out. Leaving time for the other areas to prepare in case of an invasion force somehow made it through the fog.


Teiku Plains

If a strong force manages to dispel the fog a Kurai of the Gozen class will be sent to take command on behalf of the Ryujin. Said Kurai will have full control and order in the Teiku area and the creatures that it inhabits. The area does have a weapons system at its command as well, if the fog is dispel somehow the Kido cannons could be seen and firing upon the enemy. If the forces are defeated by the invading force, as a last resort a great wall, will appear to act as the last defense of the Teiku area. The wall created out a strange stone, that can inact by itself firing energy blasts at will.


Midoru-(ミ ドル, Middle Area) is the first living areas that can be seen, after coming out of the Teiku plains. Most of the lower classes such as the Hiroki and lower Gozen can be seen living and hanging around in the area. Almost looking like a ghost town, empty and run down builds where most of the Hiroki classes like to hide. Giving the feeling as if you were being watched by something, placed in charge by the Ryujin a Kizoku of the Seiuno class takes care. Overseeing the movements and other objectives to maintain the area of Midoru.



If an invasion, broken through the defenses of Teiku Plains. Midoru is high numbers with the Hiroki and Gozen classes, making it very hard to go any more by the invaders. Most of the numbers, being able to flood the invasion forces and defeat them. The kizoku overseeing the area will command the lower classes what to do and when to do it. If needed barriers will casted by a special kind of Munashimeisei. Being able to cast as many barriers that are needed to combat the invading forces.

Monzenjakura Ring[]

Monzenjakura-(門前雀羅, Lower Rings) is the begining and outside bases, courtyards and other builds of Ametsumi castle. Home to the Seiuno classes, the most populated area of this classes. The officers of many of the forces, protecting Ametsumi castle from any kind of assaults. From the air to the ground, the Seiuno are prepared for anything. The area itself is a maze of tunnels, decks and other structures to confuse the enemy most turns leading to a dead end.

In an invasion if an invasion force some how gets into this area which will rarely happen, the tunnels and mazes will be confusing enough for the invaders. Seiuno station in and outside of the tunnels and mazes. Turning in a tunnel, the invader may come to see a seiuno to battle.


The Main Gate of Mashikaku Square

Mashikaku Square[]

Mashikaku Square-(高菜, Middle Square) is the beginning of the official Ametsumi castle, starting from the main gates of the castle where all of the classes under the Ryujin are stationed guarding the main gates to the main keep. Located at the foot of Ametsumi castle, a larger square where guard towers stand, with kido cannons. Making it almost impossible to break into.

If any forces break into it, it will be flooded with massive numbers of all of the classes, all wanting to protect the Ryujin. Most will meet Seiuno taking command over the lower classes making their moves to protect the main gates of Ametsumi castle.


Ametsumi Castle

Ametsumi Castle[]

Ametsumi Castle-(恋 罪, Negative Place) is the main keep of the Ryujin it’s palaces and homed to many of the high ranking Seiuno. The most guarded after Mashikaku square, homed to the living quarters of the Ryujin and other selected seiuno. The structure of the building is a connection of other smaller castle connected by tunnels and other ways. Forming a whole network of a castles, making it hard for invaders figure out where the Ryjin is command from.

In an invasion the whole castle itself will become a defense all its own, traps within the hallways of the castles, moving hallways that keep moving. All controlled by the Ryujin, commanding the movements of the castle and other areas of Ametsumi.

Throne Room[]

The throne room of Acetum castle is in a secret location most believe that it is in the middle of the castle structure. The throne itself is surrounding by rock making it look like it is in a cave. The walls of the room are covered in war banner with different symbols mostly of Nāgaichi's army and most of the area behind Nāgaichi's throne is advisors and guards in black cloaks.


Nagāichi's throne room

Very disturbing sights can be seen in the throne room, the throne itself is made of golden skulls. Then with other skulls covering the floor and throne, the room is a circle having only one way in and out. Making it easy for Nāgaichi to control the flow of people and other matters. Although there is an escape route that Nāgaichi and Jishou knows about, under his throne is a small trap drop that leads down into a long tunnels system and back out to Mashikaku square or another part of the castle.


The government of Ametsumi is a feudal system where the ruler has all control. But will send out Seiuno and other classes out on his orders. To maintain the daily movements of the armies, creatures and order of the Munashimeisei classes. The ryujin will ruler over all of the Munashimeisei through Ametsumi castle while the other seiuno are sent out to go to the other area and different worlds to oversee other activity. The Ryujn has placed incharge almost a shogun like being to act as second in command over the Munashimeisei to take care of other matters that the Ryujin doesn’t see fit or want to do. Most of the power goes to this being, able to be free to travel to other worlds and control the armies. But the ryujin can easily veto his orders.

Known Resistance[]
