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This article, Akiba Kuchiki, was added by WolfSpirit2019 who determines its usage on this wiki.

"We hypothesize that the members who went along with the spiritual detection squad died before they were able to send data..."

This article has been marked as a stub and is awaiting expansion by its original author.
Akiba Kuchiki
Akiba Kuchiki
Race Soul
Birthday November 23rd
Age (Human): 18 years

(Soul): 600+ years

Gender Male
Height 6'1
Weight 162 lbs
Blood Type O
Professional Status
Affiliation Soul Society

Sixth Division

Division Sixth Division
Profession Shinigami

Captain of Sixth Division

Partner Soba Kuchiki
Base of Operations Sēireitēi

Sixth Division Barracks

Personal Status
Relatives Kaigo Kuchiki (Father, deceased)

Unnamed Mother Soma Kuchiki (Sister) Soryu Kuchiki (Brother)

Education Shin'ō Academy
Shikai Nijū Kaminari (二重雷, Twin Lightning)
Bankai Not yet Revealed
First Appearance
Series Debut Bleach: Kaiten (回転, Revolutions).

Akiba is the current Captain of the Sixth Division, and older brother of his Lieutenant, Soba. He first appears in Chapter 5 of Bleach: Kaiten (回転, Revolutions).


Akiba is a tall and slender young man. His black hair it tied back in a long ponytail by a white chord, white two strands fall on either side of his face. He wears a standard Shihakushō (死覇装, Garment of Dead Souls), though this one has a higher collar and a silver design. His Captain's haori it customized to be cut at the shoulders. In battle, he usually takes it off, however. His Zanpakutō is kept sheathed across his back, though sometimes he wears it at the hip.


Akiba is a stern and cold man, often worrying only about himself. He can be seen working himself day and night, almost over the edge of exhaustion. Why this is, nobody really knows. The only being he seems to ever confide in, is his Zanpakutō spirit, Nijū Kaminari.

Akiba is a man afraid of failure. On the outside, he is a stubborn and loyal Captain, but on the inside he is insecure about his duties.



Powers and Abilities[]


Nijū Kaminari (二重雷, Twin Lightning) is the name of Akiba's Zanpakutō. This Zanpakutō is special in that it exists in the form of two separate Katanas. Each have a hilt wrapped in blue cloth with a red tassel that extends from each end. The tsuba is a standard hexagon with caved in edges, and lightning marks engraved on the inside.

Akiba's Shikai

One of Nijū Kaminari's swords in its sealed form.

Both swords are usually hung across Akiba's back, crossing each other, in dark blue scabbards.

Shikai: Nijū Kaminari's release command is,"Let the storm surge!" Once released,'Nijū Kaminari's 'blades electrify, and a chain of blue lightning connect them both. Its Shikai ability has yet to be fully revealed, though it is evident that its power allows Akiba to control electricity. With each blade, he is able to conduct an opponent's spiritual attack and turn it into pure lightning.


Akiba's released Shikai, Nijū Kaminari.
