Njalm, I've wanted to say this for a long time: Go fuck yourself.
I'm going to be fully withdrawing from the FC. BFF's smugness factor seems to have only increased since I left and I'll have no part in it any longer.
I like Kenji's idea. Regardless if people are doing this to "just roleplay," the FC does in fact have a storyline that will have to advance in some shape or form.
So what is the verdict on Kazui and Ichika? I've thought about it myself and I think the FC needs to have actual MAIN characters that can move the central story forward, and Kazui and Ichika make the most sense to me. What do you guys think?
If I might make one more suggestion, we should scale back the number of other RP's going on. I said it before during the past couple of FC's and caught flak for it, but if everyone just kinda branches off from the main story and does their own thing, said main story will just fade into the background and people will lose interest again.
@Brave I think you should use Mikado however you wish, but maybe have him start out weaker than you have him posted currently and build up his powers gradually?
If I might also add something, I think it would be more interesting if the Coven was portrayed more as the smaller and more disorganized of the two factions, between it and Soul Society as opposed to how it was portrayed before as being infinitely more larger powerful and more organized than the latter.
We may have tried something like this before, don't know for sure, but perhaps we could have it to where something happened between the Blood War and the FC, an experiment gone wrong, an uprising or a freak natural occurance that ended up killing or seriously crippling the bulk of SS's military even further, making more positions for fanmade characters available.
EDIT: We could also use this as an opprotunity to give readers a glimpse at our primary antagonist. Maybe this is where they and their organization are foreshadowed and established?
I think something else we should consider is making the FC an actual continuation of the canon, and not something that just pretends that major canon characters aren't around anymore. It may stifle creativity in some areas, but I've always found it weird that the past FC's take place only a few years or so after the war and it's major canon players just kinda moved on. If we're to do this, the gap between the Blood war arc and the FC needs to be pretty big. That or we can actually make Kazui and Ichika the main characters.
I honestly couldn't say as I've not done anything for Bleach in... shit, years? But I would still certainly be interested in joining it again.
I edited my comment just after you replied, sorry about that ^^;
But just to elaborate a little more, the Coven felt like someone's personalized fantasy universe crashing into the universe of Bleach and pretty much curbstomping it. I personally would love to avoid that sort of thing if I were to take part in the FC.
If I'm to have a say in this, I'd suggest we make the villains more... Bleach-ish? I always thought the idea of something like "The Coven" or a group that uses Final Fantasy levels of various magic spells was stupid. Sure it's nice to have something new enter the Bleach fold, but the Coven feels like someone merging their own personalized fantasy universe with that of Bleach's.
SCB I have Asumu still (whom I still need to finish >~<)
I know I've not been active for a long time, but I'm still willing to help contribute if there is room c: