Post characters of all alignments you want to participate in the new and improved Fanon Canon here. I'll be updating this table to keep track of them.
Post characters of all alignments you want to participate in the new and improved Fanon Canon here. I'll be updating this table to keep track of them.
I'm going to be fully withdrawing from the FC. BFF's smugness factor seems to have only increased since I left and I'll have no part in it any longer.
Well, goodbye then Blank. Sorry to hear it, all the best to you.
EmperorSigma wrote: I don't think you should fully withdraw, but hey.
I can tell that if I get any further involvement in the FC, it's going to frustrate me - mainly because my ideas tend to be nonsensical at best and my power scaling seems to be out of whack because of the various ideas I have for characters.
Blankslate wrote: I'm going to be fully withdrawing from the FC. BFF's smugness factor seems to have only increased since I left and I'll have no part in it any longer.
I'll miss you Blank. If you wanna talk, hmu on Facebook or something.
Njalm, I've wanted to say this for a long time: Go fuck yourself.
Ah well, the baby is kicking his toys out of the pram.
I'm not really sure what's happening all over the place, but it's time for everybody to cool their jets. We didn't go through all this effort of joining the two sites and putting forth a combined movement in reviving the FC and other projects just to forsake ourselves and all that work. Everybody has their own opinions, their own way of doing things, but the point of a sitewide project is not to give in to someone else's ideas or even to make everybody else follow your own, it's a dance of sorts between writers; one in which compromise is established and mutual respect reigns supreme. And it doesn't just go for the FC, it goes for all relationships on our site. We can't forget that, we can't ever forget that, or else what was the point of it all? We're here because we enjoy writing and we enjoy the world of Bleach. That mutual aspect is in all of us from the moment we stepped proverbial foot onto this site, and born from all those shared experiences, we have the community we have now.
I don't want to see this kind of conflict anymore, from anybody. Everybody here is mature enough to voice their discontent or their disagreements, and everybody should be mature enough to receive those dissenting thoughts. So enough of this, and let's get back on track, shall we?
There's only one person that evidently isn't calm here, Sei.
A rather odd idea was proposed and then rejected, in both cases in a slightly caustic manner. If Blank feels he absolutely has to leave because of a bit of banter, then I agree with his decision.