Post characters of all alignments you want to participate in the new and improved Fanon Canon here. I'll be updating this table to keep track of them.
Post characters of all alignments you want to participate in the new and improved Fanon Canon here. I'll be updating this table to keep track of them.
I think one of the core aspects of this FC is depicting the Gotei 13 somewhat competently handling the situation themselves for a change. That, and people with their many characters being sidelined in favour of two kids and whoever gets to RP them doesn't sound like a good idea at all.
The driving force isn't decided by the main characters anyway.
When was the last time Ichigo drove the plot of Bleach? That's right, never. He spent his entire career reacting to the actions of others (Hollow attacking his house, Rukia giving him his powers, the Soul Society executing Rukia, Aizen kidnapping Orihime, the Wandenreich deploying a tactical nuke in the Soul Society). I think what you meant, Blank, is that there needs to be some degree of focus, and there is going to be. On the Lieutenants.
If we establish someone as a MAIN character, then we are elevating those characters above the rest of the cast, and in a Fanon Canon, which is much more about roleplaying and using our characters than following any true story, that is highly detrimental to unity.
As far as I am concerned, I think a more sandboxy feel with some good plot threads would work much better than a solid story. Storylines are nice and all, but speaking from my own perspective, I am mainly here to roleplay my characters, explore their abilities and personalities and interact with other characters roleplayed by other people. I really don't care for the story beyond being a means to an end to fulfill that desire.
Someone who wants to naturally expand upon the canon storyline and the plots presented therein and carry them to their final conclusion would certainly be better served by simply writing their own personal fanfic where they would have complete control over all of the variables. This is why I consider Roleplaying to be an entirely different ballgame than Storytelling.
During Storytelling, the characters exist for the story, and are meant to fulfill a general purpose in it, generally affording the story much higher depth and quality. In Roleplaying, the story exists FOR the characters, and as a result the story is weakened but the characters are greatly strengthened. I don't think that many people would find it that compelling to play supporting cast to a couple random characters they have zero investment in, so I would vote nay for Kazui and Ichika.
How about this kind of layout:
You get the picture. This does away with the concept of a "main character", as all the story-threads are presented beforehand and what we do with them is up to us. What we do dictates what comes next. Only issue is that it becomes slightly episodic, but that can have its advantageous as well.
Just a thought.
I like Kenji's idea. Regardless if people are doing this to "just roleplay," the FC does in fact have a storyline that will have to advance in some shape or form.
I vote we steal Z's Seia's pants.
Then Glacies could put a task force together in order to find them, as a favor for his old captain.
I'm gonna redo my roster here.
As for the Coven members I'll be making, I'll leave them out for now since most of them will likely be rank-and-file members. Tenmu Kuchiki will likely be the only actual character I want to keep around long-term, but we'll see when we cross that bridge.
At the moment I only have Takayoshi Oda to offer for the FC, but I'll do an actual list if I come up with any other characters I want to use.