So, now that we're getting close to wrapping up the merger stuff, and the grand opening of the unified Bleach Fan Fiction Wiki, I thought I could use this chance to bring up the project ideas that we've been spitballing around on threads here and there. Since we're still getting things squared away, this will remain solely a discussion, but if everybody's on board for the ideas discussed here, we can begin rather soon on them. But again, for right now, consider everything discussed here solely for brainstorming.
The following project proposals are just my thoughts on the ideas, so suggestions and/or different proposals are very welcome here, hence why this thread is entitled "New Projects Discussion". So do comment on my ideas, and propose your own ideas as well, the more projects and stuff we can get rolling on the site, the better I'd say.
Anyways, let's begin.
This will be a page that will focus on the questions brought up in the previous thread, "Biggest Questions about Bleach", as well as others that the community believes are thought-provoking and meaningful queries about the series that other fans would be likely to search information about and end up stumbling their way here. The idea for this corner is simple: every question/thought will have its own section on the page, and under the section, there will be links to relevant articles in regards to that concept.
So, for example. What even is the Kido Corps? We've never actually seen them in-series besides their former Captain Tessei. Therefore, underneath a "What is the Kido Corps?" section, we'd post links to Kido Corps articles made by other users, or perhaps even the one we'll be working on for the FC.
Another one would be the Four Noble Clans. Only two have been seen in the manga/anime, and the third one has been brought up in the Light Novels, so under this section, we'd post articles made by users about the four houses. One example would be Shonen's article on the subject, which would be a good read for attracting potential users on the site.
Anyways, you guys get the idea. We can organize this page as we all see fit, the idea is essentially to focus on queries people tend to ask questions about a lot (we can even skim Reddit posts to see what people tend to make posts on asking about for more ideas).
As I brought up on the aforementioned thread, one idea that I was thinking about, thanks to Wolf's suggestion, was an article competition we could host every month, two months, or three months, in which everyone who wishes to participate can write up their own rendition of a canon (including the anime and games) Zanpakuto introduced in the series, and the best article will be the featured article on the main page. This can even include Zanpakuto that we know only in name, like Kyoka Suigetsu or Shinsou, in which only its name and abilities are known, but nothing is known about the actual spirit itself. So there's a lot of freedom here in how to handle these articles. And of course, there's no need to reserve any of them either. What I mean is, say I decide to do Katen Kyokotsu on this cycle, Kenji could also submit his version of Katen Kyokotsu during the same cycle even if I am as well. Or if I submitted Katen Kyokotsu on this cycle, someone could do a version of Katen Kyokotsu for a future cycle. So there really is no limits when it comes to options there.
I think this'll also solve the whole featured article issue we've always had in trying to actually, you know, have a featured article there that wasn't sitting there for a year. It narrows down the choices too, since the original featured article concept was open to... well, every article on the site, which can get annoying to sift around to find a choice. This way, we can promote a fun project, and actually promote articles on the main page a little more frequently than we've been doing. Win-win, I'd say.
This is a smaller project than the others discussed, but it is also something that'll take a little bit of time to do, and this is something I believe we're mostly all on board about. Since Bleach Wiki does not care to do any actual stuff with the light novels, we can take it upon ourselves to make detailed summarizations of the Light Novels for Bleach.
I've started the first article here: Bleach: Can't Fear Your Own World, but I'm hoping we can expand to cover as many of them as we can, if not all of them. Translations are relatively simple to find for most of them, so this is more of, who would like to write a summary for every chapter of the light novels as you read them. We can always split it up among all the users too, maybe each cover a single chapter or something, I dunno. This is something we can discuss on how to handle.
You all knew this was coming. If I remember right, this will be our 4th attempt at a Fanon Canon premise. The first one was some old Quincy dude, I don't really remember the details. The second one was my Soul King fragment thing. And the third one was the Coven. And all of them had merit, but none really ended up sticking. The biggest problem with the third rendition from most people is that it sounds as though it felt like the "least Bleach" of them all, in that it felt like it strayed a lot from Bleach itself. I can't say I completely agree, but I can understand where you're coming from.
Unfortunately, as of right now, I don't have any concrete ideas to propose for this. But what I do think would be a good starting point, as Shonen brought up before, is for us to focus on the Light Novel information; particularly, the ones that come after the Thousand Year Blood War. What I personally suggest is a consideration for one of the more interesting consequences of the war.
Referencing this from my masterpost on the Light Novel reveals: "The earthquakes that the death of the Soul King caused, led to the rise of several religious end-time sects."
I found this to be rather interesting, and it also sounds like a great starting spot for what could become our FC premise. So, going off of this, I'd love to hear everybody's thoughts on this and also what you guys suggest as potential FC story concepts.
Anyways, that's all from me, folks.