Now then... The moment everybody's been waiting for! The discussion for finally going back to work on the RP portion of the FC.
So, as to avoid the same boring slowdowns that happened from the last time, I believe we should jump right into the situation at hand and not have to really roleplay out the entire investigation and discovery of these fragments and what-have-you.Â
This is where we should start things off:
We backtrack, and we will revisit Kraven later on (me and Blank will eventually discuss what his role can be, since he does have potential in the FC, and we'll present the idea to the rest of you guys, though we're open to suggestions too), because I think we need to just hit the ground running in order to garner some momentum in this restart. And that means getting the Coven involved as soon as we can. The other problem was that we didn't have enough of a reason to get the Gotei 13 mobilized or to incite any sort of predicament, and truth be told, things will die down again if we wait and make several meetings and whatnot via RP before getting to the nitty-gritty, so this solution may help to prevent that.Â
Here is how I think we should set things up:
In the recent time, nine years after the Quincy war, a certain incident has occurred where the Visoreds have been killed off. All except for Hachigen, who managed to escape. I'm borrowing this from the original premise and altering it to fit into the current story. Hachigen, of course, made his way to the Soul Society to tell them what happened. The Captains convene and it is determined, after Hachigen specifies what sort of abilities the attacker has, a task force headed by their best Kido Master, Kazuya, would be sent to subdue the attacker.Â
This has also been borrowed from the original concept and changed. So, we skip ahead and battle battle battle, fight fight magic, the attacker has been subdued and captured. For the sake of exposition, we'll call this dude "Enishi". He is one of the seventeen Soul Fragments, but of course, Soul Society doesn't know that quite yet. In capturing him, it is noted by both Hachigen in the beginning and Kazuya later on, through their immense knowledge of magic, that this individual carries a strange spiritual signature; one that can be compared to that of Quincy, but more specifically, the Quincy King Yhwach. Through a combined investigation of the captured fragment from both Kazuya/Hachigen, and then the current 12th Division Captain, the existence of the soul fragments is reported during a Captain's Council meeting.Â
Of course, even though it is important for them to locate all of the fragments, there is no real emergency, as the other Captains may have suggested during said meeting. I mean, so they're out there, not too bad right? Just gotta find them but other than that, no different than the normal job of dispatching Hollows. Why mobilize for that?
Well, that's where Enishi comes into play. Why has he been attacking powerful spiritual beings? What reason does he have for these attacks? Simply put, he's gaining power. Or rather, he was trying to steal the powers of his victims. His life is in danger, and he threatens his captives by saying they too should watch their backs, because this group is "no joke". He said they were trying to capture him but he's managed to elude capture up until now. He's been trying to build up his powers so that he'd be able to take them on himself (lol yeah right) and he isn't exactly clear who they are. Of course, as I'm sure you guys know, I'm referring to The Coven.Â
So with the revelation that there are these soul fragments out there, coupled with the knowledge that there's a group actively hunting them down for some nefarious purpose, a need to send out a group to further investigate the situation becomes apparent. Coincidentially so, reports come in from the 12th Division that one of these soul fragments have been detected in the Human World. So a group will be sent to intercept the individual in the hopes of not only getting to them before the Coven does, but also hopefully to uncover more information about the group who are hunting them down.Â
Basically, here is where the RP will begin.Â
We can discuss what group will be sent to hunt down the soul fragment individual. Preferably, it should consist of a Captain and perhaps three to four other individuals.Â
Also, we need to determine whether we make this soul fragment individual a random disposable character or one of the current existing soul fragment characters written up.Â
The purpose of this start is to have the new task force eventually cross paths with the Coven members, which will allow us to introduce them in-story, have our gang learn of their name, and well, we can proceed from there. My thinking is to have the Coven members in this first RP be limited to two, but the problem is, we don't have any written up really at all. At least, none that have been put down as Coven members.
My thinking is, whoever does not have a character on the task force we'll make for this RP can instead play one of the Coven members, so that we can involve as many people as possible.Â
The goal for right now is to discuss the premise I've addressed above, which is the purpose of this thread, and hopefully we can start this RP by sometime next week once we're all happy with the premise moving forward.Â