This should've been done way back in New Years, as a sort of public announcement from your beloved lowly but handsome overlord, but from holiday drinking to the spring college semester until now, I've been neck-deep in shit (sometimes literally), so I've only made comments and contributions here and there. So now I want to take this chance to make a brief message to everybody. As we are now charging forward in the new year, I'm sure many of you have encountered new scenarios and new chapters opening up in your lives; whether by way of a new job, new living arrangements, new school semester, or perhaps new friends and new lovers. And through it all, it warms my heart that we're still fighting strong as a community, and that we all still find some small sliver of our time to spend here together despite the joys and tribulations in our outside lives. Personally, I find comfort here among you all, it's good to have a community of friends that have each other's back and fellow writers to work with on various projects. So let's take that moment to hold up our proverbial glasses and have a toast to a great year that past us by and to the year ahead.
Anyways, getting to the main point, there have been some attempts to get the FC back up and running. In the thread made before this one, entitled "Stage Alpha", Blank goes into detail about it, and many of you have already voiced your opinions. Plot-wise, the stuff all sounds good, but the main issue we have is regarding the roles in the FC is that we still lack actual characters.
For instance, the Coven has yet to have any characters added to it. They are meant to be the central antagonists, so without them fleshed out to some degree, a plot isn't really worth debating over. I dunno whether it's because nobody knows if membership is open for application, or nobody has gotten around to it yet, but it is something worth mentioning. We need at least a couple members made so that we have something to go off of when we start up the FC roleplay again, so perhaps we can discuss how that will all go down.
I also want to take a moment to start finalizing among you all exactly what sides exist in the FC and what third parties may exist as well. It is important to get some stuff categorized and organized before we jump in to the RP, right?