Hey guys, me again with another Fanon Canon update. As Sei is currently occupied with his duties at home, I'm going to do my best to sort of steer this ship of ours called a Fanon Canon until he's able to join us more frequently. Til then, let's see what we can do in the midst of this little storm, shall we?
Sei and I have been able to discuss some ideas as to what we could do to bring the FC back to full strength as we did before, and as I've mentioned previously in some blogs and comments, I think a full redo is in order. Among the other problems we had that have already been discussed, I think that one of the FC's biggest issues was that we'd jumpstarted so far ahead into the future that it almost really didn't feel like the same universe that we were actually based in. We had a pretty big lack of establishment for certain things, and I think that we need to address that.
Hence what I'm dubbing Stage Alpha of the FC, a fresh new start that I think can help us all pretty much plant our own respective feet in this universe with our characters and be able to build them up from then on. Stage Alpha is going to be an RP involving Sei and myself (and possibly a few others, depending on what all ideas we see being tossed around in the comments) that will set things off for the primary story. We've prepared a summary of what this will entail and how it'll start things off.
The war is over, and Soul Society has never been in such a state of ruin and desrepair. It has only been a few months after the battle with Yhwach and his army, and the Gotei 13 struggles to maintain order, within both itself and with the world around it. In the wake of Jushiro Ukitake's death, Rukia has been promoted to Captain of the 13th Division, following the discovery of her Bankai (Don't worry Z, I'm not taking your character's spot), and the fact that they need someone like her in that position. As SS struggles to repair itself, Rukia goes to find Ichigo and fill him in on what all is going on and inquire about Chad, Orihime and some others (Uryu perhaps? Could be a neat little addition if we wanted). But it's then that they notice something peculiar; wherever they were walking before has now changed from (soul society?) to (the human world?) or vice versa, something along those lines.Â
Knowing that they can't leave this unnoticed, they set off to investigate and begin to notice more oddities happening around them, when suddenly, they see the supposed culprit: a Soul that appears to be fleeing from something. Neither Rukia or Ichigo is fast enough to even step forward towards the Soul before it is shot dead from behind, a bullet entering the back of their skull and blowing out of it's front in an explosion of blood. It is here that we meet the first antagonist of the FC, and one that will continue to play a part for many stories to come; Vengeance.
I really need to go to bed, so I'll make this next part brief. Ichigo and Rukia try to fight Vengeance. Vengeance incaptitates Ichigo with a White Crawl bullet, then duels Rukia alone and later kills her in the ensuing fight. Yeah yeah canon character being killed by a fanon character is controversial, but we've all wanted to do it at some point (most of our characters verbally own canon characters anyway, so c'mon). Ichigo, still trying to recover from the bullet, sees Vengeance take a Soul Fragment from the Soul he killed earlier before leaving, and swears revenge, naturally. Soul Society isn't capable of ignoring the death of a Captain, especially when it's coming from an unknown entity, and so, the Task Force is dispatched to hunt down Vengeance, with Ichigo (possibly) at it's helm.
The reason I think this would work is because a task force consisting of, well, probably the same bunch from the last time (all just possibly in different positions from earlier because of the timeline) would make sense. Soul Society is still looking for ways to bolster it's numbers, and plenty of new recruits will come forward, hence where you guys come in c: Now obviously, I understand that each character of the task force has their own backstories, and we don't want to have this new plot contradict any of those, so please feel free to let me know what you think in the comments below.
The big thing is that we can use this to establish our characters, not just start off with them already settled in. Some of these guys are total newbs and aren't fit to hold a stick, let alone fight with it. This could be an interesting way to watch our characters grow into their positions that they were in at the time of the old FC.Â
- yawns* I really need to just sleep right now. I'm fighting not to, hence why this post will come off a bit rushed. As I said before, post your own ideas and thoughts in the comments below so I'll have something to read tomorrow >:3
Cya guys then!